Pierson Hall - Move-In Day Directions
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Move-In Day driving directions to Pierson Hall
- Take Exit 132 and turn west onto Highway 14/6th Street.
- Take 6th Street to 20th Avenue (at the Fire Station/west end of McCrory Gardens) and turn north (right).
- Follow 20th Avenue onto 8th Street (curves to the left).
- Follow the signs to the unloading zone in the large parking lot for Pierson Hall.
- Take the Highway 14 Bypass to Medary Avenue and turn south.
- In approximately one mile turn east (left) on 6th Street.
- Take 6th Street to 20th Avenue (at the Fire Station/west end of McCrory Gardens) and turn north (left).
- Follow 20th Avenue onto 8th Street (curves to the left).
- Follow the signs to the unloading zone in the large parking lot for Pierson Hall.
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Traffic tip: As you travel west on 6th Street, we recommend staying in the right lane and prepare to make a right-hand turn onto 20th Avenue.
Watch for green flags along the route directing you to the Pierson Hall Drop Zone.