Biology and Microbiology Facilities
The Department of Biology and Microbiology and its faculty members are located in four buildings, Edgar McFadden Biostress (SNP), Alfred Dairy Science Hall (SDS), Berg Agricultural Hall (SAG) and the Olson Research Wing on the 成人视频 campus. In addition to departmental shared equipment, researchers have access to the Genomic Core Facility, Genomics Sequencing Facility and Campus Mass Spectrometry Facility.
Shared equipment within the department includes Lyophilizers, a Speed-Vac, High speed centrifuges, Ultralow freezers, Autoclaves, Fermentors, Ice machine, Incubators, Plant growth facilities, Greenhouses, Water purification units, HPLC units, GC-MS for volatiles, Spectrophotometers, Temperature-controlled shakers and access to a Flow Cytometer (FACS Calibur, BD) in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences.
成人视频 Functional Genomics Core Facility
The functional genomics core facility is a 24/7 campus facility located in the lower level of the Northern Plains Biostress Building, and managed by the Biology and Microbiology Department. It houses a wide range of instruments and equipment to support research efforts in the areas of genomics and molecular biology.
Microscopy needs are supported by a Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (Olympus Fluoview 1200 with four lasers), Upright microscope for epifluorescence and DIC (Olympus AX70), Inverted microscope for epifluorescence and DIC (Olympus IX70), Epi-Fluorescent Stereo Microscope (Olympus SZX16), a cryostat cryotome (Leica 1450UV with Cryo-Jane feature) and image analysis software.
Gel imaging needs are supported by a gel imaging system (BioRad ChemiDoc XRS), and infrared gel imaging system (LI-COR Odyssey Premium), Quantity One and PD Quest gel analysis software.
DNA, RNA and protein work is supported by a NanoDrop (ND-1000) spectrophotometer, Agilent Bioanalyzer, ABI 7900HT High-Throughput Real-Time Thermocycler, with 96 and 384 well blocks, 2 Real-time thermocyclers (Stratagene Mx3000P), 4 ABI Thermocyclers, 2 ABI Veriti Gradient Thermocyclers, Microarray Scanner (GenePix 4000B), a laser micro-dissection system (Zeiss/PALM MicroBeam), a multi-detection fluorescence microplate Reader (BioTek Synergy 2), Beckman DTX880 plate reader.
Separation needs are supported an ultracentrifuge (Beckman OPTIMA 130K) with fixed angle and swinging bucket rotors, Beckman Allegra X-15R Refrigerated Tabletop Centrifuge and a 2D gel system (BioRad PROTEAN IEF).
Gene transformation is supported by an electroporation system, (BioRad Gene Pulser Xcell) and biolistic transformation system for plant tissue (BioRad PDS-1000 He).
Contact: Michael Hildreth, PhD., FGCF coordinator, 605-688-4562, email