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Shaukat Ali

Shaukat Ali


Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology

Office Building

Young Brothers Seed Technology Laboratory



Mailing Address

Seed Technology Lab 113D
Plant Science-Box 2100A
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007

Academic Responsibilities

  • PS714-Genetics of disease resistance and host-parasite interaction
  • HO329-Horticultural Pests
  • PS/Bio415-Mycology

Areas of Research

  • Small grain diseases epidemiology
  • Leaf spot pathogens virulence diversity
  • Host-parasite interaction
  • Host resistance to rusts and leaf spot pathogens


  1. Abdullah, S., S. K. Sehgal and S. Ali 2017. Race Diversity of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in South Dakota and Response of Predominant Wheat Cultivars to Tan Spot. Plant Pathol. Microbiol. 8 (5):1-7.
  2. Abdullah, S., S. K. Sehgal, K. D. Glover and S. Ali 2017. Reaction of global collection of rye (Secale cereale L.) to tan spot and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis races in South Dakota. The Plant Pathology Journal 33:229-237.
  3. Abdullah, S., S. K. Sehgal, Y. Jin, B. Turnipseed and S. Ali 2017. Insight into tan spot and stem rust resistance and susceptibility by studying the pre-green revolution global collection of wheat. The Plant Pathology Journal 33: 125-132.
  4. Benslimane, H., S. Aouali, A. Khal, S. Ali and Z. Bouznad 2017. In Vitro Morphological Characteristics of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Isolates from Several Algerian Agro-Ecological Zones. The Plant Pathology Journal 33:1-9
  5. Wang, R., Y. Leng, S. Ali, M. Wang and S. Zhong 2017. Genome-wide association mapping of spot blotch resistance to three different pathotypes of Cochliobolus sativus
in the USDA barley core collection. Mol. Breeding 37: 44 (DOI: 10.1007/s11032-017-0626-8).
  6. Abdullah, S., S. K. Sehgal, S. Ali*, Z. Liatukas, M. Ittu and N. Kaur 2016. Characterization of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (tan spot of wheat) races in Baltic States and Romania. The Plant Pathology Journal 33:133-139
  7. Abdullah, S., S. Ali*, E. Byamukama and M. A. C. Langham 2016. First report of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Race 5 from South Dakota. Plant Disease 100: 2322
  8. Andersen, J. E., S. Ali, N. Reese, Y. Yen, S. Neupane and M. P. Nepal 2016. Diversity and Evolution of Disease Resistance Genes in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Evolutionary Bioinformatics 12: 99-108
  9. Y. Leng, R. Wang, S. Ali, M. Zhao and S. Zhong 2016. Sources and genetics of spot blotch resistance to a new pathotype of Cochliobolus sativus in the USDA National Small Grains Collection. Plant Disease 100: 1988-1993 (Ali, Leng, and Wang contributed equally to this work)
  10. Ali, S*. and M. A. C. Langham 2015. Reaction of Five Non-Cereal Grasses to Five Races and Two Host Selective Toxins of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Plant Pathology Journal 31 (3): 245-251.
  11. Osman, M., X. He, S. Benedettelli, S. Ali and P. K. Singh 2015. Identification of New Sources of Resistance to Fungal Leaf and Head Blight Diseases of Wheat European J. Plant Pathology 145:305-320
  12. Zhong, S., S. Ali, Y. Leng, R. Wang and D. F. Garvin 2015. Brachypodium distachyon-Cochliobolus sativus Pathosystem is a New Model for Studying Plant-fungal Interactions in Cereal Crops. Phytopathology. 105:482-489.
  13. Ali, S. and L. J. Francl 2014. A differential medium for discriminating between Drechslera bromi and Drechslera tritici-repentis. Pak. J. Phytopathology 26:207-212
  14. Bilgi, V. N., C. A. Bradley, F. M. Methew, S. Ali, J. B. Rasmussen 2011. Root rot of dry edible bean caused by Fusarium graminearum. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2011-0425-01-RS.
  15. Ali, S., Gurung, S. and Adhikari, T. B. 2010. Identification and characterization of novel isolates of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis from Arkansas. Plant Dis. 94:229-235.
  16. Gurung, S., J. M. Bonman, S. Ali, J. Patel, M. Myrfield, M. Mergoum, P. K. Singh and T. B. Adhikari 2009. New and diverse sources of multiple disease resistance in wheat. Crop Science 49:1655-1666.
  17. Adhikari, T. B., J. Bai, S. W. Meinhardt, S. Gurung, M. Myrfield, J. Patel, S. Ali, N. C. Gudmestad and J. B. Rasmussen 2009. Tsn 1-mediated host responses to ToxA from Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. MPMI 22:1056-1068
  18. Ali, S., P. K. Singh, M. P. McMullen, M. Mergoum and T. B. Adhikari 2008. Identification of New Sources of Resistance to Multiple Leaf Spotting Diseases in Wheat Germplasm. Euphytica 159:167-179
  19. Ali, S. and T. B. Adhikari. 2008. Variation in Aggressiveness of Stagonospora nodorum isolates in North Dakota. Journal of Phytopathology 156, 140–145.
  20. Burlakoti, R. R., S. Ali, G. A., Secor, S. M., Neate, M. P. McMullen and T. B. Adhikari. 2008. Genetic relationships among populations of Gibberella zeae from barley, wheat, potato, and sugar beet in the upper Midwest of the United States. Phytopathology 98:969-976.
  21. Burlakoti, R. R., S. Ali, G. A. Secor, S. M. Neate, M. P. McMullen and T. B. Adhikari 2008. Comparative mycotoxin profiles of Gibberella zeae population from barley, wheat, potatoes and sugar beets. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:6513-6520.
  22. Adhikari, T. B. S. Ali, R. R. Burlakoti, P. K. Singh, M. Mergoum and S. B. Goodwin 2008. Genetic Structure of Phaeosphaeria nodorum Populations in the North-Central and Midwestern United States. Phytopathology 98:101-107
  23. Mergoum, M., R. C. Frohberg, R. W. Stack, P. K. Singh, S. Ali, J.W. Rasmussen, T. L. Friesen and T. B. Adhikari 2008.  Registration of Spring Wheat Germplasm ND 756 Combining Resistances to Foliar Diseases and Fusarium Head Blight.  Journal of Plant Registrations 2: 61-64
  24. Singh, P. K., M. Mergoum, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, S. Ali, T. B. Adhikari, S. F. Kianian, E. M. Elias and G. R. Hughes 2008. Genetics and molecular mapping of resistance to necrosis inducing race 5 of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in tetraploid wheat. Mol Breeding 21:293-304.
  25. Singh, P. K., M. Mergoum, S. Ali, T. B. Adhikari and G. R. Hughes 2008. Genetic analysis of resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis races 1 and 5 in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. Phytopathology 98:702-708.
  26. Paul, P. A., P. E. Lipps, E. De Wolf, G. Shaner, G. Buechley, T. Adhikari, S. Ali, J. Stien, L. Osborne and L. V. Madden 2007. A Distributed-Lag Analysis of the Relationship Between Gibberella zeae Inoculum Density on Wheat Spikes and Weather Variables. Phytopathology 97:1608-1624.
  27. Singh, P. K., M. Mergoum, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, S. Ali,T. B. Adhikari, S. F. Kianian, E. M. Elias, G. R. Hughes 2007. Genetics and molecular mapping of resistance to necrosis inducing race 5 of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in tetraploid wheat. Mol Breeding (DOI 10.1007/s11032-007-9129-3)
  28. Mergoum, M., P. K. Singh, S. Ali, E. M. Ellias, J. A. Anderson, K. D. Glover, T. B. Adhikari 2007. Reaction of Elite Wheat Genotypes from the Northern Great Plains of North America to Septoria Diseases. Plant Disease 91:1310-1315
  29. Berzonsky, W. A., B. L. Gebhard, E. Gamotin, G. D. Leach and S. Ali 2007. A reciprocal backcross monosomic analysis of the scab resistant spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar ‘Frontana’. Plant Breeding (doi:10.1111/j.1439-0523.2007.01354)
  30. Mitter, V., L. J. Francl, S. Ali, S. Simpfendorfer and S. Chakraborty 2006. Ascosporic and conidial inoculum of Gibberella zeae play different role in Fusarium head blight and crown rot of wheat in Australia and the USA. Australasian Plant Pathology 35:1-12
  31. Chakraborty, S., C. J. Liu, V. Mitter, J. B. Scott, OA. Akinsanmi, S. Ali and R. Dill Macky 2006. Pathogen population structure and epidemiology are keys to wheat crown rot and Fusarium head blight management. Australasian Plant Pathology 35:643-655
  32. Mergoum, M., R. C. Frohberg, S. Ali, P. K. Singh, J. B. Rasmussen and J. D. Miller 2006. Registration of spring wheat germplasm ND735 combining tan spot, leaf, and stem rusts. Crop Sci. 46:1004-1005.
  33. Singh, P. K., M. Mergoum, S. Ali, T. B. Adhikari, E. M. Elias and G. R. Hughes 2006. Identification of new sources of resistance to tan spot, Stagonospora nodorum blotch, and Septoria tritici blotch of wheat. Crop Science 46:2047-2053
  34. Singh, P. K., J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, M. Mergoum, S. Ali, T. B. Adhikari, S. F. Kianian, E. M. Elias and G. R. Hughes 2006. Identification and molecular mapping of a gene in tetraploid wheat conferring resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis race 3. Phytopathology 96:885-889.
  35. Singh, P. K., M. Mergoum, S. Ali, T. B. Adhikari, E. M. Elias, J. A. Anderson, K.D. Glover and W. A. Berzonsky 2006. Evaluation of elite wheat germplasm for resistance to tan spot. Plant Disease 90:1320-1325
  36. Friesen, T., S. Ali, K. K. Klien, and J. B. Rasmussen 2005. Population Genetic Analysis of a Global Collection of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Causal Agent of Tan Spot of Wheat. Phytopathology 95:1144-1150.
  37. Ali, S., V. V. Rivera and G.A. Secor 2005. First report of Fusarium graminearum causing dry rot of potato. Plant Disease 89:105.
  38. Liu, Z. H., J. D. Faris, S. W. Meinhardt, S. Ali, J. B. Rasmussen and T. L. Friesen 2004. Genetic and Physical Mapping of a Gene Conditioning Sensitivity in Wheat to a Partially Purified Host-Selective Toxin Produced by Stagonospora nodorum Phytopathology 94:1056-1060.
  39. Liu, Z. H., T. L. Friesen, J. B. Rasmussen, S. Ali, S. W. Meinhardt and J. D. Faris 2004. Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis and Mapping of Seedling Resistance to Stagonospora nodorum Leaf Blotch in Wheat. Phytopathology 94:1061-1067.
  40. Hartel, K. D., W. A. Berzonsky, S. F. Kianian and S. Ali 2004. Expression of a Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides sources of Fusarium head blight resistance transferred to synthetic hexaploid wheat. Plant Breeding 123:516-519
  41. Ali, S., and L. J. Francl 2003. Population race structure of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis prevalent on wheat and non-cereal grasses Plant Dis. 87:418-422.
  42. Friesen, T.L., S. Ali, S. Kianian, L. J. Francl and J. B. Rasmussen 2003. Role of host sensitivity to Ptr ToxA in the development of tan spot. Phytopathology 93:397-401.
  43. Friesen, T, J. Rasmussen, S. Ali and R. Stack 2003. Rapid and synchronous production of mature ascospores of P. tritici-repentis race 1 and 2. Can. J. Bot. 81:890-895.
  44. Friesen, T. L., Rassmussen. J. B., Ali, S., Kwon, C. Y. and Francl, L. J. 2002. Reaction of Ptr ToxA insensitive wheat mutants to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis race 1. Phytopathology 92:38-42.
  45. Ali, S., and L. J. Francl 2001. Recovery of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis from barley and reaction of 12 cultivars to five races and two host-selective toxins. Plant Dis. 85 :580-584.
  46. Martinez, J. P., S. A. Ottum, S. Ali, L. J. Francl, and M. Ciuffetti 2001. Characterization of the ToxB Gene from Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. MPMI 14:675-677.
  47. Ali, S., L. J. Francl, Iram S. and I. Ahmad. 2001. First report of tan spot of wheat in Pakistan. Plant Dis. 81:1031.
  48. Ali, S., L. J. Francl and E. D. De Wolf 1999. First report of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis race 5 from North America.  Plant Dis.  83:591.
  49. De Wolf, E.D., R. J. Effertz, S. Ali and L. J. Francl 1998. Vistas of tan spot research. Canadian Journal Plant Pathology. 20:349-370
