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Thomas Weaver

Thomas L. Weaver
Thomas Weaver

Distinguished Engineer

Hometown: Brewster, Minnesota

Electrical Engineering ,

Thomas L. Weaver spent 32 years with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and Western Area Power Administration (Western). He began his federal career with the USBR in 1961 as an electrical engineer in the operation and maintenance division in Huron. Prior to the establishment of Western in 1977, Weaver was the regional supervisor of power, Upper Missouri Region, USBR in Billings, Montana. He was the assistant administrator for engineering for Western from 1982 to 1993, and was responsible for engineering design, planning activities and construction. He received the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in 1988 and was cited for personally developing Western’s engineering staff into one of the most cohesive, effective and efficient in the electric utility industry. He later served as a management and engineering consultant for International Utilities Structures, Inc. from 1993 to 2001, and then worked as a transmission project manager for the company. Weaver was active in a number of organizations including CIGRE – an international group concerned with power generation and high-voltage transmission, the IEEE Power Engineering Society and was a Life Fellow of IEEE. In 1979, he was appointed by the Secretary of Energy to serve as a U.S. member on the Permanent Engineering Board for the Columbia River Treaty until 1995 and served as a delegate in the People to People Utilities Technology Management Delegation to China in 1986.