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Cohort 1: Ashley

Ashley, PreK

Year 1, Cohort 1, Non-Rural Alaska
**Moved before Spring 2019
Child-Nature Points of Interest (2018-2019)

Demographic Information

  • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
  • DOB: December, 2013
  • Gender: Female 
  • Birthplace: El Paso, TX
  • Family Members: Mother, Father, Brother (age 14), Sister (age 10), Sister (age 6)
  • Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 2
  • Parent’s feeling about place lived: (1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)
  • House Location(s) in Fairbanks: Inside Fairbanks City Limits

Child's Drawings

Child's drawing

Fall 2018

Title: Camping with Animals

Child quotes:

“Lots of birds everywhere.”

“Birds land on my mom’s truck…and they attack us!”

“I go swimming in them [rivers] with water snakes... and electrocute snakes.”

“Chena Lake Springs”

“She [Mom] said we can’t go swimming.”

“I never seen a farm.”

“My mom and grandpa’s gonna give me a horse.”

Family Feedback: Ashley’s father writes, “Last summer we went camping” with “me, my wife and her two sisters” at “Chena Hot Springs.” He writes that they camp “maybe once a year.” He also comments that besides camping, Eliana “rode a pony downtown at a fair. She goes to Tanana Lake to swim with mom and sisters.”

Child's drawing: It's a map we were going to find treasure
Happy Drawing: Fall 2018
A monster and a dinosaur child's drawing
"Negative Affect" Drawing: Fall 2018

Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

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Fall 2018

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Anxiety of “snakes in grass” (environmental misconception); Chased migratory cranes “I wanna kill them”; Anxiety that something had happened to animals depicted on sign

Child Reflections on educational activities

*Source: Transcribed Notes from Class Discussions

Child Quote:

“I learn about some branch.”

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children