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Cohort 1: Samantha

Samantha, PreK

Year 1, Cohort 1, Non-Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest (2018-2019)

Demographic Information

  • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
  • DOB: February, 2014
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: Fairbanks, AK
  • Family Members: Mother, Father, Sister (age 7), Sister (age 1.5)
  • Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 20+
  • Parent’s feeling about place lived: 10 (1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)
  • House Location(s) in Fairbanks: Inside Fairbanks City Limits

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2018 (completed by Samantha’s mother)

  • Family Outdoor Activities:
    (Ranked frequently and almost always)
    • Go to playground or park (in city/town/village)
    • Go to sports field (soccer, baseball, etc.)
    • Go on walks (in city/town/village)
    • Picnic or outdoor barbeque
  • Child’s Outdoor Activities:
    (Ranked frequently and almost always)
    • Make believe/free play (outdoors summer)
    • Play ball
    • Build forts
    • Pick flowers
    • Look for bugs
    • Hide and seek
  • Favorite Family Activity (Written response): "Go on walks"
  • Child’s Favorite Summer Activity (Written response): “Free play"
  • Child’s Favorite Winter Activity (Written response): “Playing in snow"
  • Description of outdoor experience when child was afraid/scared (Written response):&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;“N/´ˇâ€ť
  • Description of outdoor experience when child was excited/happy (Written response): â€śBeen in park"

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2018 (completed by Samantha’s mother)

Child's Drawings

Fall 2018

Title: Playing on the see-saw with dad

Child quotes:

“I go with my dad.”

“It’s in school- not inside the school outside the school.”

“Her [sister] didn’t wanna go on it because it was too cold."

Family Feedback: Samantha’s mother writes that she plays on the see-saw on “weekends’ with “the family.” She says that the see-saw is at the “park around our neighborhood” and that Samantha goes “very often more likely on weekend.” She writes, “We walk to the park and have lots of fun.”

Child's drawing: snowflakes, me , baby sister, grass

Spring 2019

Title: Playing on the see-saw with dad

Child quotes:

“I go with my dad.”

“It’s in school- not inside the school outside the school.”

“Her [sister] didn’t wanna go on it because it was too cold."

Family Feedback: Samantha’s mother writes that she plays on the see-saw on “weekends’ with “the family.” She says that the see-saw is at the “park around our neighborhood” and that Samantha goes “very often more likely on weekend.” She writes, “We walk to the park and have lots of fun.”

Child's drawing: the bridge (Purple scribbles)
Fall 2018
Child's drawing: Snow fight, sticks
Spring 2019
Child's drawing: school bus
Fall 2018
Child's drawing: Snowball catching me. I was scared
Spring 2019

Fall 2018
Class Nature Tour Video 

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Played tag on trail with other child; Other children chased cranes; Samantha’s Mother told her, “Stop…we don’t disturb them.”

Fall 2018
Family Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Rode on 4-wheeler through wooded trail with Father (limited nature interaction): Expressed initial fear “don’t crash!” then excitement on four-wheeler, “It’s so much fun papa!” Observed wildlife while riding on 4-wheeler, “a bunny… birdie”; Noted that spruce branches are pokey; Told father, “Don’t kill the birds.”

Climbed on playground structures (no nature interaction)

Spring 2019
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Racing/running on snow, explores thicket, relies on mother and father or support, uses stick to explore snow and water

Spring 2019
Family Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:


Child Reflections on Educational Activities

“I like see bunnies.”

“I like to see the birds and flowers.”

“I saw some bridges.”

Source: Transcribed Notes from Class Discussions  

“We was playing in the snow and there was sticks and stuff and there was snow and we were having fun and friends were playing with me.”

“I felt good. We were having fun. I made new friend. There was a lot of snow and a lot of sticks.”

“I had fun. There was some new friends. I played in snow and I was falling and walking. That’s it!”

“Can go with sticks. We can’t go on the water.”

“We had fun and there was snow and we played with Amanda and there were friends and a puppy track and playing with new friends and wolves and my dad was there and we was running.”

Source: Transcribed Notes from Class Discussions  

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children