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Cohort 1: Joshua

Joshua, PreK

Year 1, Cohort 1, Non-Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest (2018-2019)

Demographic Information

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2018 (not completed) N/A

Child's Drawings

Child's Drawing: Outside house, me, "Play flight with brother"

Fall 2018

Title: “Play fight with brother”

Child quotes:

“Outside at our house.”

“In our yard and also in our backyard lots even in our house a lot.”

“We find things to play with.”

“Like weapons.”


“Happy, but when he punch me very hard I’m feel very mad.”

Family Feedback: N/A

Child's drawing: hiding behind tree, climbing a tree

Spring 2019

Title: Playing with trees

Child quotes:

“Hiding behind tree”

“Climbing a tree”

Family Feedback: N/A

Child's drawing: blue and brown scribbles
Fall 2018

Spring 2019:  No drawing

I met a poison mushroom
Fall 2018

Spring 2019: No drawing

Fall 2018
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Curiosity about rosehips; Sword play with a stick, “so cool”; Awe of cranes “Oh Cranes”; “Ew” fell in mud- but gots back up; Make-believe sounds when navigating trail

Fall 2018
Family Nature Tour Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Examined mushroom, Mother noted, “It looks like it got stepped on”; Identified plants in garden; Harvested a carrot; Pushed toy car on pavement, making motor sound

Spring 2019
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Points out seed pods “cocoons” in willows, finds a house in the trees, using stick to carve and find things in snow, remembered forest from previous visit; interest in finding animals

Child Reflections on Education Activities


Child Quotes:

“Hiding in the trees like a ninja.”

“Hammering nails into wood.” (Comment on stick play)

“Like a ninja, I’m good at ninja moves.”

“You can only go on the log, but you can’t fall off the log backward.”

“Don’t go off the bridge.”

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children