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Cohort 1: Daniel

Daniel, PreK

Year 1, Cohort 1, Non-Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest (2018-2019)

Demographic Information

  • Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
  • DOB: August, 2013
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthplace: Fairbanks, AK
  • Family Members: Mother, Father, Sister (age 21), Brother (age 19), Sister (age 8), Brother (age 2 months)
  • Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 18
  • Parent’s feeling about place lived: (1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)
  • House Location(s) in Fairbanks: Inside Fairbanks City Limits
  • Family Outdoor Activities:
    (Ranked frequently and almost always)
    • Go to playground or park (in city/town/village)
    • Go to sports field (soccer, baseball, etc)
    • Go on walks (in city/town/village)
    • Picnic or outdoor barbecue
    • Hike in natural setting
    • Ski (cross-country or downhill)
  • Child’s Outdoor Activities:
    (Ranked frequently and almost always)
    • Bike, scooter, or skate
    • Make-believe/free play (outdoors summer)
    • Play ball
    • Build forts 
    • Hide and seek
    • Build snowman, snow forts, snowballs
    • Free play outside (winter)
    • Cross-country ski
  • Favorite Family Activity (Written response): "Creamer's Field or playgrounds"
  • Child’s Favorite Summer Activity (Written response): “Bike riding or playgrounds"
  • Child’s Favorite Winter Activity (Written response): “XC skiing or free play"
  • Description of outdoor experience when child was afraid/scared (Written response): “Hiking - sister kept singing 'we're going on a bear hunt.' Jack also hates bees."
  • Description of outdoor experience when child was excited/happy (Written response): “Just yesterday he got to ride his bike all the way to the park (2 blocks!)."

Child's Drawings

Child's drawing: Remote Controller and gun, I like calming trains and steam engines, friend and I playing robots

Fall 2018

Title: On the playground with trains

Child quotes:

“I’m gonna draw the playground. So there’s a tunnel.”

“Now I’m gonna draw my best friend.”

“There’s a four seesaw”

“I even have trains.”

“This is a remote controller and a gun.”

Family Feedback:

“Daniel plays ‘trains’ everywhere – he usually has a small train in his pocket wherever he goes. We are on playgrounds around the FNSB [Fairbanks Borough] daily.”

Daniel's mother writes that he usually plays with his siblings or neighborhood friends and that “there is a small group of young kids around the neighborhood.” She also writes that he plays trains outside during the “warmer months.” “He draws tracks with chalk and plays, or in his room or living room floor with its foul out.”

She writes that he plays trains “daily! We are at the playgrounds, parks, etc. all summer after school, etc. When it gets cold we head to Birch Hill, Children’s Museum, etc.”

“He has absorbed everything there is to know about trains – names of engines, where they travel, history, mechanics, etc. He is often heard role playing with his trains on the driveway by neighbors. It’s pretty cute and fun to listen.”

Child's drawing: human rollerskating
Fall 2018
Child's drawing: The bus, flat tire, me they are all me
Spring 2019
Child's drawing: figure sticks
Fall 2018

Spring 2019: No drawing

Fall 2018
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Self-talk being scared and discomfort in nature; Disdain towards nature - “stupid tree”, chasing cranes; Imaginary play-doggies (disruptive howling and barking); Expressed anxiety in going off trail; Curiosity about rosehips (teacher-led)

Spring 2019
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Uses stick as weapon (sword, gun); recognizes not to go in the water; makes animal noises (tweet, roar); anxiety in the forest; aggression climbing tree

Child Reflections on Education Activities

Child Quotes:

“I like the cranes.”

“I like hiking in the forest.”

“They [sandhill cranes] fly to Mexico.”

Child Quotes:

“I went back in the den to see my wolf named little howler, the cub. He was white. I felt strange.”

“Sword battled with Jasper. I like to win and I always win races and board games.”

“I got spanked by a tree. I saw the wolf following me again. I rode the wolf to the bus.”

“I saw that wolf, Little Howler. He was growin’ up.”

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children