Geography is an exciting field that recognizes the complex relationships and linkages of human and natural systems; geography is the science of place. As such, geographers study and analyze many of today’s pressing issues, which range from climate change, human modification of the Earth’s systems, environmental hazards, resource assessment and land use to population distributions, urbanization, cultural adaption, political organization of space and globalization. Geographers’ tools, skill sets and techniques, which include computer cartography, remote sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), are recognized increasingly as essential for solving many contemporary questions and are not only being adopted by businesses and governmental agencies but also by wider society. More people are recognizing that geography is fundamental to understanding our world and solving many of the problems that confront us.
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Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence
The Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence conducts cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and provides quality education for future scientists, educators and decision-makers. The GSCE is a research and educational collaboration that combines the unique strengths of South Dakota State University and the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) center.
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