College of Nursing Faculty Assembly Bylaws

Table of Contents


As part of South Dakota State University (成人视频), the College of Nursing operates in accordance with the College of Nursing mission, vision and values, the policies and guidelines as published in the College of Nursing handbook, and within the broad framework of the university policy and procedure manual. The faculty and staff of the College of Nursing have agreed to shared governance of the college in accordance with the precepts set forth in this document. The initial bylaws of the college were adopted by the faculty assembly on May 5, 1995. The bylaws are reviewed and revised as needed during an annual review process.


These bylaws govern the organization and procedures of the college, and conform to for the South Dakota Board of Regents.

The bylaws are intended to:

  1. Assure the quality and integrity of curriculum and instruction of academic education offered through the College of Nursing
  2. Provide an infrastructure for the college to fulfill its goals, objectives and obligations as an integral part of the university and community
  3. Align the college鈥檚 strategic plan with the university鈥檚 strategic plan
  4. Provide a forum for discussion and formulation of positions and policies on matters concerning the College of Nursing

Article 1. Name

The name of this society is the faculty assembly (referred to hereafter as the assembly).

Article 2. Purpose

The purpose of the assembly is to develop and maintain high quality educational programs; to promote the teaching, scholarship, practice and service mission of the College of Nursing, and to ensure well-being in all endeavors.

Article 3 Powers and Duties

Section 1. Self-Governance

The assembly governs itself through its bylaws, which cannot be altered without its consent.

Section 2. Autonomy

The assembly operates autonomously within the limits of its authority.

Section 3. Development of Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Philosophy

The assembly will establish the mission, vision, core values, and philosophy of the College of Nursing.

Section 4. Goals and Objectives

The assembly will establish the goals and objectives of the educational programs, the curricula design and evaluation and policies and practices related to student admission, retention, progression and graduation.

Section 5. Recommendation of Policies that Promote Achievement of the Teaching, Scholarship, Practice and Service Missions

The assembly will recommend to the dean of the College of Nursing policies which promote achievement of the teaching, scholarship, practice and service missions of the College of Nursing.

Section 6. Recommendation of Policies Concerning Faculty and Student Welfare

The assembly will recommend to the Dean of the College of Nursing policies concerning faculty and student welfare.

Article 4. Faculty Assembly

Section 1. Membership of the College of Nursing Faculty Assembly.

  1. Qualifications: Permanent faculty appointment in the College of Nursing with academic status and rank of instructor, lecturer, senior lecturer, clinical assistant professor, clinical associate professor, clinical professor, assistant professor, associate professor or professor and no more than 49% administrative appointment.
  2. Benefits:
    1. Equality of representation. All members are equal regardless of academic rank or title. All members may vote on all matters using the discretion identified in the section on responsibilities without fear of intimidation or retaliation.
    2. Equality of voice. All members are equally entitled to participate in debate regardless of rank or title without fear of intimidation or retaliation.
  3. Responsibilities:
    1. Attendance: Members identified in these bylaws will attend all meetings except in unusual circumstances. Members who must be excused from meetings will notify the chair in writing.
    2. Preparation: Members who attend meetings either in person or via distance technology will prepare for meetings in advance. Preparation includes careful reading of all related documents including but not limited to motions and the minutes of previous meetings.
    3. Informed participation.
    4. Judicious restraint in debate. Members will limit their participation in debate to those matters on which they are well informed and which, in their judgment, are relevant to their roles.
    5. Judicious restraint in voting. Members will abstain from voting on matters on which they lack requisite expertise or information.
    6. Decorum in debate. Members will confine their remarks to the merits of the question, refrain from attacking another member's motives or standing within the assembly, refrain from speaking on prior actions not pending and refrain from any actions that disturb the assembly. In the exchange of criticisms and ideas, members should show due respect for the rights of others to express differing opinions; however, vigorous debate and criticism are not to be viewed as lack of respect.
    7. Adherence to the bylaws: Members will be familiar with and abide by the bylaws as written or amended by the members of the assembly.

Section 2. Offices of the Assembly

  1. Offices to be elected: Chair, chair-elect and secretary of the assembly
    1. The chair, chair-elect, and secretary of the assembly will be filled by election from the voting membership of assembly.
  2. Qualifications: chair, chair-elect and secretary of assembly
    1. Member of the assembly (article 4, section 1, 1).
    2. Members of the assembly with supervisory roles are not eligible for nomination to be an officer for the faculty assembly.
  3. Term:
    1. Chair and secretary of the assembly will serve a three-year term.
    2. The term of the chair-elect will coincide with the chair鈥檚 term. Upon completion of the chair鈥檚 term, the chair-elect will become chair.
  4. Election procedures:
    1. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their terms as char.
    2. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect or secretary may occur. If chair and chair-elect positions would become vacant simultaneously, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair-elect will occur.
  5. Responsibilities:
    1. Chair of the assembly:
      1. Preside at assembly meetings.
      2. Encourage full participation of all voting members.
      3. Ensure compliance with the South Dakota Board of Regents and University policies and procedures on matters of academic freedom and participation in governance.
      4. Ensure compliance with the assembly bylaws. Interpretation of existing bylaws is permitted when the bylaws are ambiguous or no bylaw seems applicable.
      5. Ensure compliance with assembly responsibilities (Article 4, Section 1, 3) except when superseded by provisions in the South Dakota Board of Regents and university policies and procedures or the bylaws.
      6. Facilitate discussion of issues that are relevant to the assembly and the mission of the college.
      7. Prepare meeting notices, finalize agendas and edit the minutes of previous meetings prior to distribution.
      8. Represent the assembly in monthly steering committee meetings and facilitate communication across the committees and subcommittees of the assembly.
      9. Review the work of committees and make recommendations.
      10. Identify, when necessary, the need for ad hoc task forces.
      11. Ensure that decisions made by the assembly are communicated to and carried out by the appropriate faculty and/or staff. Submit for review decisions that require approval outside of the College of Nursing or communicate the assembly decision to the appropriate person or organization that is responsible for obtaining approval.
      12. Report to the faculty what actions were taken or what outcomes were achieved regarding decisions made by the assembly.
    2. Chair-elect of the assembly:
      1. Assume the responsibilities of the chair of the assembly as requested by the chair of the assembly or in the absence of the chair of the assembly.
      2. Assume additional responsibilities as requested by the chair of the assembly.
      3. If the chair resigns or otherwise becomes unable or ineligible to continue as chair, accept promotion to being their term as chair of the assembly.
    3. Secretary of the assembly:
      1. The minutes of the meetings will be prepared by the secretary.

Article 5. Meetings of the Faculty Assembly

Section 1. Regular Meetings

Regular meetings will be held at least three times during the academic year on a date and at a time set by the chair and called at least ten business days in advance by the chair.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the chair and held within five business days upon the written request.

Section 3. Open Meetings

All meetings are open. College of Nursing staff are invited to attend. Any guest may be recognized to speak by the chair.

Section 4. Presiding Officer

The chair will preside at all assembly meetings. In the absence of the chair, the chair-elect will be the presiding officer.

Section 5. Parliamentarian

A neutral, non-voting expert in meeting procedures to facilitate orderly discussion. The chair may appoint a parliamentarian or the membership may request a parliamentarian.

Section 6. Quorum

Fifty percent of the voting membership will constitute a quorum. Voting members on leave of absence will not be part of the quorum count if not present. Unless the point of no quorum is raised at a meeting, no action taken at that meeting will be invalid for the lack of a quorum, provided the action taken will have been proposed in the agenda of the meeting sent to members of the assembly. Raising the point of no quorum will not invalidate any previous action.

Section 7. Voting

  1. Member of the assembly (Article 4, Section 1, 1).
  2. Staff are non-voting members who have a voice but no vote.
  3. Voting on main motions will be decided by majority. Voting is to be accomplished during the meeting by electronic ballot as decided by the chair or moved by the voting members.
  4. In the interval between meetings, the assembly may authorize and conduct referendum voting by electronic ballot on matters of importance to the assembly鈥檚 functioning. A majority vote of the voting members will direct the action on the matter presented for vote. Reporting and recording of referendum votes will occur at the next meeting of the assembly.
  5. In the interval between meetings, the assembly may authorize and conduct an electronic unofficial ballot to determine opinion on matters of importance to the assembly鈥檚 functioning. Such polling will not constitute official action of the voting body.

Section 8. Agenda, Minutes, Materials and Reports

  1. The agenda for the meetings of the assembly will be prepared by the chair, and the agenda and any accompanying materials will be distributed to all members at least four business days prior to the meeting, except in the event of a special meeting, where the agenda and materials will accompany the call to the meeting. In special circumstances, items and materials may be added to the agenda at the discretion of the presiding officer within the four business days prior to the meeting.
  2. The chair will be responsible for seeing that the minutes of the assembly meetings are recorded by the secretary, distributed to members of the assembly and approved by a majority vote of the members of the assembly.Minutes must record all actions taken. A permanent file of minutes will be maintained by the office of the dean and archived on InsideState.

Article 6. Steering Committee

The steering committee represents the standing committees in all appropriate matters and serves as an advisory committee to the dean. The dean will share information that impacts the functioning of the College of Nursing administrative responsibilities to the deans and directors for action as appropriate.

Section 1. Membership

  1. Chair, chair-elect, and secretary will be the current chair, chair-elect and secretary of the assembly.
  2. Members will consist of the chairs of the five standing committees. Chairs-elect will attend in the chair鈥檚 absence.
  3. The dean of the College of Nursing or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
  4. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.

Section 2. Functions

  1. Identify priority areas for the assembly and standing committees for each academic year.
  2. Set goals for the assembly and standing committees, identify strategies to achieve those goals and evaluate progress toward achieving those goals.
  3. Ensure communication, cooperation, and coordinated efforts across the standing committees.
  4. Report to the assembly and standing committees at least once per semester on progress towards achieving priority goals.
  5. Collaborate with the dean or the dean鈥檚 designated representative(s) to achieve the mission of the College of Nursing in teaching, scholarship, practice and service.
  6. Evaluate mechanisms of shared governance in the College of Nursing and report annually on collaborative strategies to the dean or the dean鈥檚 administrative representative(s) and the assembly.
  7. Review the mission, vision, core values, philosophy, and strategic plan of the College of Nursing annually.
  8. Conduct the spring election of the assembly chair-elect and secretary according to the election procedure.
  9. For standing committees that report directly to the steering committee, identify member positions with terms that expire at the end of the academic year. Announce future vacancies in the membership of the standing committees to the faculty and staff of the College of Nursing. Identify candidates and conduct spring elections for these positions.
  10. Review membership recommendations from standing committees and appoint membership of subcommittees as outlined in these bylaws.

Section 3. Meetings

  1. Regular meetings will be held at least once per month during the academic year provided there are items of business to be presented.
  2. All meetings of the steering committee are open. Any guest may be recognized to speak by the chair.
  3. Quorum:Fifty percent of the voting membership will constitute a quorum. Unless the point of no quorum is raised at a meeting, no action taken at that meeting will be invalid for the lack of a quorum, provided the action taken will have been proposed in the agenda of the meeting sent to members of the steering committee.Raising the point of no quorum will not invalidate any previous action.
  4. Voting on main motions will be decided by majority.

Section 4. Relationship of the Steering Committee to Standing Committees and Assembly

  1. Steering committee provides an avenue of communication between the standing committees and the assembly. Standing committees will recommend changes and bring forth issues related to their respective functions as outlined in Article 7 below to the steering committee.
  2. Standing committees may bring additional issues that impact the College of nursing faculty or other standing committees to the steering committee.
  3. Steering committee then brings issues forth to the assembly.

Section 5. Agenda, Minutes, Materials and Reports

  1. The agenda for the meetings of the steering committee will be prepared by the chair and the agenda and any accompanying materials will be distributed to all members at least four business days prior to the meeting.
  2. The minutes of the meetings will be prepared by the secretary and distributed to members of the committee. Minutes must record all action taken. A permanent file of minutes will be maintained by the office of the dean and archived on InsideState.
  3. The chair will be responsible for completing an end of year committee report which will be maintained by the office of the dean and archived on InsideState.

Article 7. Standing Committees

There will be the following standing committees of the assembly of the College of Nursing:

  1. Committee on curriculum
  2. Committee on faculty
  3. Committee on students
  4. Committee on simulation and experiential learning
  5. Committee on Access, Opportunity, and Belonging

Section 1. Committee and Subcommittee Procedures

  1. Benefits
    1. Equality of representation: All members are equal regardless of academic rank or title. All members may vote on all matters using the discretion identified in the section on responsibilities without fear of intimidation or retaliation.
    2. Equality of voice: All members are equally entitled to participate in debate regardless of rank or title without fear of intimidation or retaliation.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Attendance: Members identified in these bylaws will attend all meetings except in unusual circumstances. Members who must be excused from meetings will notify the chair in writing.
    2. Preparation: Members who attend meetings either in person or via distance technology will prepare for meetings in advance. Preparation includes careful reading of all related documents including but not limited to motions and the minutes of previous meetings.
    3. Informed participation.
    4. Judicious restraint in debate: Members will limit their participation in debate to those matters on which they are well informed and which, in their judgment, are relevant to their roles.
    5. Judicious restraint in voting. Members will abstain from voting on matters on which they lack requisite expertise or information.
    6. Decorum in debate: Members will confine their remarks to the merits of the question, refrain from attacking another member's motives or standing within the committee, refrain from speaking on prior actions not pending and refrain from any actions that disturb the committee. In the exchange of criticisms and ideas, members should show due respect for the rights of others to express differing opinions, however, vigorous debate and criticism are not to be viewed as lack of respect.
    7. Adherence to the bylaws: Members will be familiar with the bylaws. Interpretation of existing bylaws by the chair is permitted when the bylaws are ambiguous or no bylaw seems applicable. Members will abide by the bylaws as written or amended by the members of the assembly.
    8. Present recommendations to the assembly, steering committee, committee and/or subcommittee related to committee purpose and communication lines.
    9. Standing committees will report to the steering committee at least once per semester on progress towards achieving priority goals.
    10. Subcommittees will report to the standing committee at least once per semester on progress towards achieving priority goals.
    11. May appoint task forces to accomplish the goals of the respective standing committee or subcommittee.
    12. When there is a vacancy which needs to be filled during the academic year, the faculty assembly chair may contact all new faculty members who are not currently serving on a subcommittee to determine who is interested in joining the subcommittee for the remaining academic year. New faculty members with the longest service to the College of Nursing will be considered first. If a new faculty member is interested in serving on the subcommittee, they should discuss their interest with the faculty assembly chair and their immediate supervisor. If there are no new faculty, a call will go to all faculty for volunteers.
    13. Chair
      1. Preside at all committee meetings.
      2. Encourage full participation of all voting members.
      3. Ensure compliance with the South Dakota Board of Regents and university policies and procedures on matters of academic freedom and participation in governance.
      4. Ensure compliance with the assembly bylaws. Interpretation of existing bylaws is permitted when the bylaws are ambiguous or no bylaw seems applicable.
      5. Ensure compliance with assembly responsibilities (Article 4, Section 1, 3) except when superseded by provisions in the South Dakota Board of Regents and university policies and procedures or the bylaws.
      6. Facilitate discussion of issues that are relevant to the committee and mission of the College of Nursing.
      7. Prepare meeting notices, finalize agendas and edit the minutes of the previous meeting prior to distribution.
      8. Represent the committee in the monthly steering committee meetings, promote shared communication, collaboration and coordination between the committees and subcommittees.
      9. Faculty assembly members with supervisory roles are not eligible for nomination to chair standing committees or subcommittees.
      10. While a single chair is preferred, the need for co-chairs on a College of Nursing subcommittee may arise. When all eligible faculty to chair a College of Nursing subcommittee are currently serving as the chair of another committee/subcommittee, the option of a co-chair may be considered for College of Nursing subcommittees. The need for co-chairs should be approved by the steering committee.
    14. Chair-Elect
      1. Assume the responsibilities of the chair as requested by the chair or in the absence of the chair.
      2. Participate in fulfilling the responsibilities of the committee as requested by the chair or jointly decided by the committee.
      3. If the chair resigns or otherwise becomes unable or ineligible to continue as chair, accept promotion to begin their term as chair.
      4. Faculty assembly members with supervisory roles are not eligible for nomination to serve as chair-elect for standing committees or subcommittees.
  3. Meetings
    1. Standing committees will hold regular meetings at least once per month during the academic year provided there are items of business to be presented.
    2. Subcommittees will hold regular meetings as needed to achieve functions and goals.
    3. All meetings are open. Any guest may be recognized to speak by the chair.
    4. Quorum: Fifty percent of the voting membership will constitute a quorum. Voting members on leave of absence will not be part of the quorum count if not present. Unless the point of no quorum is raised at a meeting, no action taken at that meeting will be invalid for the lack of a quorum, provided the action taken will have been proposed in the agenda of the meeting sent to members of the respective standing committee. Raising the point of no quorum will not invalidate any previous action.
    5. Voting on main motions will be decided by majority. Voting is to be accomplished during the meeting by electronic ballot as decided by the chair or moved by the voting members.
    6. All members have a voice and vote unless otherwise indicated.
  4. Agenda, minutes, materials and reports
    1. The agenda for the meetings of each standing committee will be prepared by the respective chair and the agenda and any accompanying materials will be distributed to all members at least four business days prior to the meeting.
    2. The chairs will be responsible for seeing that the minutes of each standing committee meetings are recorded, distributed to members of each standing committee and approved by a majority vote of the members of each standing committee. Minutes must record all actions taken. A permanent file of minutes will be maintained by the office of the dean and archived on InsideState.
    3. The chair will be responsible for completing an end of year committee report for each standing committee which will be maintained by the office of the dean and archived on InsideState.

Section 2. Committee on Curriculum

  1. Membership
    1. Members will consist of the six subcommittee chairs, chair and chair-elect.
    2. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
  2. Chair and chair-elect
    1. Qualification: Member of the assembly (Article 4, Section 1, 1).
    2. Elected by the assembly for a three-year term. The election of the chair-elect will occur during the spring semester of the current chair-elect鈥檚 last year of term. Upon completion of the chair鈥檚 term, the chair-elect will become chair.
    3. Nominations for chair-elect of the committee on curriculum will be sought the semester prior to the current chair-elect becoming chair.
    4. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect may occur. If both positions would become vacant, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair-elect may occur.
  3. Functions
    1. Ongoing curricula development, design, implementation and evaluation to ensure high quality educational programs that are consistent with the mission, vision and values of the College of Nursing and the strategic plan of the university.
    2. b. Conduct regular curriculum plan reviews and mapping to ensure alignment of program learning outcomes with accreditation standards, professional nursing standards and guidelines, state regulations and reporting requirements.
    3. c. Present recommendations to the assembly, steering committee, committee and/or subcommittee related to academic programs.
    4. d. Advise deans and directors regarding matters related to academic programs.
    5. e. Communicate with committee for simulation and experiential learning regarding changes to the curriculum that necessitate revisions to simulations specific to their program.
    6. f. Present recommendations to the steering committee for membership on committee and subcommittee as outlined in these bylaws.
  4. Standing subcommittees of the committee on curriculum
    1. There are five academic program subcommittees and one academic assessment and evaluation subcommittee of the committee on curriculum. The five academic program subcommittees are: RN to B.S.N., B.S.N., APRN, master's programs and Ph.D.
    2. Academic programs subcommittee members
      1. For each academic program subcommittee, membership will be comprised of all voting members of the assembly who have assigned teaching workload in the respective academic program. It may also include non-voting members who teach in the respective academic program or have specialty expertise and are individuals with more than 49% administrative appointment with academic status and rank.
      2. College of Nursing student(s) representing each academic program may be invited to the respective academic program subcommittee as guest(s).
    3. Academic programs subcommittee chairs and chairs-elect
      1. Elected by the voting members of the subcommittee for a three-year term.
      2. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their term as chair. Upon completion of the chair's terms, the chair-elect will become chair. 
      3. Nominations for chair-elect of the subcommittee will be sought the semester prior to the current chair-elect assuming their role as chair.
      4. The chair of each academic program subcommittee must be a member of the assembly and have teaching workload in the respective academic program.
      5. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect may occur. If both positions would become vacant, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair-elect may occur.
    4. Academic programs functions
      1. Assess, plan, implement and evaluate instruction of students as well as curriculum processes and outcomes within that program.
      2. Ensure consistency of curriculum implementation.
    5. Subcommittee for academic assessment and evaluation
      1. Membership
        1. Preferred qualification: participated or intend to participate in the 成人视频 assessment academy.
        2. One member of the assembly recommended by the committee on simulation and experiential learning and approved by the steering committee
        3. Two members of the assembly recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee who represent one undergraduate and one graduate academic program subcommittee
        4. One additional member of the assembly appointed by the steering committee.
        5. Academic assessment and evaluation coordinator is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        6. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        7. Chair and chair-elect:
          1. The chair must be a voting member of the assembly and have participated in the 成人视频 assessment academy.
      2. Functions
        1. Oversees development and implementation of the College of Nursing program assessment and evaluation plans.
        2. Performs ongoing program assessment and evaluation by collecting and analyzing data related to student learning outcomes and all academic program outcomes.
        3. Assesses academic program effectiveness by evaluating student achievement related to retention/progression rates, graduation rates, licensure/certification pass rates, job placement rates and program satisfaction defined as graduate, alumni and employer program satisfaction.
        4. Collects and collates relevant data for program assessment and evaluation. Data is accessed through the associate dean for academic programs, director of nursing student services and the Healthcare Simulation Center director in compliance with accreditation guidelines. Additional data are derived from a review of annual licensure examination reports and results of formative nationally normed testing as integrated into the curriculum.
        5. Develop and disseminates an annual report and makes recommendations to respective committee or subcommittee regarding academic program improvements.

Section 3. Committee on Faculty

  1. Membership
    1. Members will consist of the three subcommittee chairs, chair and chair elect.
    2. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
  2. Chair and chair-elect
    1. Qualification: Member of the assembly (Article 4, Section 1, 1).
    2. Elected by the assembly for a three-year term. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their term as chair. Upon completion of the chair's term, the chair-elect will become chair. 
    3. Nominations for chair-elect of the committee on faculty will be sought the semester prior to the current chair-elect assuming the role of chair.
    4. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect may occur. If both positions would become vacant, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair-elect may occur.
  3. Functions
    1. Advise deans and directors regarding matters related to the committee on faculty and subcommittees.
    2. Advise the steering committee on matters related to the committee on faculty and subcommittees.
    3. Ensure communication, cooperation, and coordinated efforts across the subcommittees.
  4. Standing subcommittees of the committee on faculty
    1. There are three standing subcommittees: Bylaws and College of Nursing handbook, welfare and development and research and scholarship.
    2. Subcommittee members
      1. Members will serve for three-year term.
    3. Subcommittee chairs and chairs-elect
      1. Elected by the voting members of the subcommittee for a three-year term. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their term as chair. Upon completion of the chair's terms, the chair-elect will become chair. 
      2. Nominations for chair of the subcommittee will be sought the semester prior to the current chair-elect assuming their role as chair.
      3. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect may occur. If both positions would become vacant, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair elect may occur.
    4. Subcommittee for bylaws and College of Nursing handbook membership
      1. Membership
        1. Two members of the assembly recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee who represent one undergraduate and one graduate academic program subcommittee.
        2. Three additional members of the assembly appointed by the steering committee.
        3. One nursing student services staff member recommended by the committee on students and approved by the steering committee.
        4. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        5. Ad hoc: One representative from the office of the dean is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
      2. Functions
        1. Review and/or revise assembly bylaws on an annual basis.
        2. Recommend bylaws, policy and guideline revisions to the committee on faculty, steering committee and assembly for approval,
        3. Collaborate with other committees and subcommittees on the development of evidence-based policies and guidelines for the College of Nursing handbook.
        4. Review and revise current College of Nursing handbook policies and guidelines to ensure they are reflective of best practices on a regular, rolling basis.
    5. Subcommittee for welfare and development
      1. Membership
        1. Two members of the assembly recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee who represent one undergraduate and one graduate academic program subcommittee.
        2. One additional member of the assembly appointed by the steering committee.
        3. One member of the assembly who also serves as either the accredited provider program director or nurse planner for nursing continuing professional development (NCPD).
        4. College of Nursing representative to the University Faculty and Extension Personnel Professional Development Committee. If a CON member is not fulfilling this university position, then an additional member of the assembly will be appointed by the Steering Committee to achieve a committee of 5 members.
        5. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
      2. Functions
        1. Build community among College of Nursing employees through various means.
        2. Advocate for College of Nursing employee welfare and quality of professional life.
        3. Receive and respond to suggestions or recommendations from College of Nursing employees to maximize a positive work environment and civility within the College of Nursing.
        4. Receive and respond to matters related to faculty development presented to it for consideration by any member of the faculty.
        5. Promote a culture of recognition/awards at the College of Nursing and facilitate the nomination process.
        6. Collaborate with the accredited provider program director to plan and implement faculty nursing continuing professional development activities related to such areas as teaching, scholarship, practice and service (e.g. College of Nursing lunch and learn, Sigma Theta Tau research symposium).
        7. Review and prioritize applications for professional development funding monthly throughout the academic year.
          1. Communicate recommendations to the dean of the College of Nursing regarding professional development funding recipients.
          2. Plan and implement presentation of funded professional development activities.
        8. Plan and implement the College of Nursing summit based on recommendations from the assembly.
        9. Identify office positions of the faculty assembly with terms that expire at the end of the academic year. Announce future vacancies in the membership of the office positions of the faculty assembly to the faculty of the College of Nursing. Solicit nominations, confirm nominee eligibility and desire to serve and conduct spring elections for these positions.
        10. Supports the CETL fellow as needed in the development of content for faculty.
    6. Subcommittee for research & scholarship
      1. Membership
        1. Two members of the assembly recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee who represent one undergraduate and one graduate academic program subcommittee.
        2. Three additional members of the assembly who hold a terminal degree appointed by the steering committee.
        3. Office of Nursing Research representative is a voting member who has a voice and vote.
        4. Associate dean for research or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
      2. Functions
        1. Advise the Office of Nursing Research on needs or activities to facilitate faculty research and scholarship.
        2. Facilitate peer review of research proposals submitted by faculty in response to intra-/extramural notices of funding opportunities, make recommendations for strengthening proposals and facilitate peer review of any subsequent funding agency critique.
        3. Facilitate mentorship for faculty conducting research and scholarly activity in collaboration with the associate dean for research.
        4. Review research proposals submitted by faculty in response to the annual College of Nursing seed grant call for proposals and make recommendations for funding to the Office of Nursing Research.
        5. Ensure College of Nursing representation on health system nursing research and evidence-based practice committees seeking collaborative opportunities.
        6. Represent the College of Nursing in health research initiatives within 成人视频 as requested.
        7. Screen proposals that involve nursing students as human subjects to determine student burden and offer alternative student cohort if available.
        8. Solicit nominations and select the recipient of the annual College of Nursing research and scholarly excellence award.
        9. Solicit, review and select student poster abstracts to represent the College of Nursing in all available student categories at the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) conference.

Section 4. Committee on Students

  1. Membership
    1. Two subcommittee chairs
    2. Student Success Coach(es)
    3. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
    4. Director of nursing student services or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
  2. Chair and chair-elect
    1. Qualification: Member of the assembly (Article 4, Section 1, 1).
    2. Elected by the assembly for a three-year term. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their term as chair. Upon completion of the chair's term, the chair-elect will become chair.
    3. Nominations for chair-elect of the committee on students will be sough the semester prior to the current chair-elect assuming their role as chair. 
    4. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect may occur. If both positions would become vacant, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair-elect may occur.
  3. Functions
    1. Advise the steering committee on matters related to admissions, progression and graduation.
    2. Review and update recruitment and marketing efforts.
    3. Present recommendation to the steering committee for membership on subcommittee for bylaws and College of Nursing handbook as outlined in these bylaws.
  4. Standing subcommittees of the committee on students
    1. There are two subcommittees of the committee on students: admissions, progression and graduation and public relations and communications.
    2. subcommittee members
      1. Members will serve for three-year term.
    3. Subcommittee for admissions, progression and graduation
      1. Chair and chair-elect
        1. Elected by the voting members of the subcommittee for a three-year term.
        2. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their term as chair. Upon completion of the chair's term, the chair-elect will become chair. 
        3. Nominations for chair-elect of the subcommittee will be sought the semester prior to the current chair-elect assuming their role as chair.
        4. The chair must be a voting member of the assembly.
      2. Membership
        1. Four members of the assembly recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee who represent two undergraduate, one APRN and one non-APRN graduate academic program subcommittees.
        2. Two additional members of the assembly appointed by the steering committee.
        3. Associate dean for academic programs or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        4. Director of nursing student services is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        5. Professional academic advisor/graduate program specialist is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        6. Two academic advisors appointed by the director of nursing student services are non-voting members who have voice but no vote.
      3. Functions
        1. Recommend revisions to criteria for admission to, progression in, readmission to and graduation from all College of Nursing academic programs to the faculty assembly as needed.
        2. Create and monitor student admission and progression processes in consultation with each academic program coordinator or subcommittee chair.
        3. Partner with nursing student services to review student applications for admission.
        4. Provide input on graduation and other event processes.
        5. Provide input on student handbooks (undergraduate and graduate) consistent with the College of Nursing handbook and 成人视频 and Board of Regents policies and procedures.
    4. Subcommittee for public relations and communications
      1. Chair
        1. The director of nursing operations is the permanent chair.
      2. Membership
        1. Two members of the assembly recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee who represent one undergraduate and one graduate academic program subcommittee.
        2. Director of nursing student services or designated representative is a non-voting member who has a voice but no vote.
        3. Professional academic advisor/recruiter.
        4. Professional academic advisor/graduate program specialist.
        5. Two academic advisors appointed by the director of nursing student services are voting members who have voice and vote.
      3. Functions
        1. Update the College of Nursing marketing plan as needed.
        2. Annual planning for marketing and communication of College of Nursing programs, events, activities, recruitment materials, magazines and social media.
        3. Regularly review and update College of Nursing website.
        4. Update applicable standard operating procedures.
        5. Coordinate the following College of Nursing awards: Distinguished Service Award, the DAISY Faculty Award, Researcher/Scholar of the Year Award and the Professional or Career Service Award for Excellence.

Section 5. Committee on Simulation and Experiential Learning

  1. Membership
    1. All simulation coordinators.
      1. Simulation operational specialists.
      2. Members of the assembly who are assigned workload in simulation/simulation skills lab or simulation is part of their assigned graduate course.
      3. Director of Healthcare Simulation Center (HCSC) or designated representative is a non-voting member with voice but no vote.
      4. Simulation skills lab subcommittee chair.
  2. Chair and Chair-Elect
    1. Qualification: Member of the assembly (Article 4, Section 1, 1).
    2. Elected by the voting members of the committee on simulation and experiential learning for a three-year term. The election of the chair-elect will occur when the previous chair elect begins their term as chair. Upon completion of the chair's term, the chair-elect will become chair.
    3. Nominations for chair-elect of the committee on simulation and experiential learning will be sought the semester prior to the current chair-elect assuming their role as chair.
    4. An ad hoc election of the chair-elect may occur. If both positions would become vacant, an ad hoc election of the chair and chair-elect may occur.
  3. Functions
    1. Coordinate the use of the simulation on-campus clinical learning experiences and to oversee and support integration of new technologies into the graduate and undergraduate nursing curriculum.
    2. Plan and conduct professional development to enhance faculty鈥檚 knowledge and use of simulation learning experiences.
    3. Offer guidance on developing, implementing and evaluating simulation learning experiences and complete quality improvement reviews/updates on simulation activities and simulation program operations.
      1. Consult with committee on Access, Opportunity, and Belonging.
      2. Collaborate with the academic assessment and evaluation subcommittee.
    4. Ensure standardization of simulation curriculum within the College of Nursing.
      1. Collaborate with the subcommittees for B.S.N. and APRN academic programs.
    5. Ensure compliance with accreditation standards in the simulation skills lab setting through collaboration with the simulation skills lab subcommittee.
    6. Recommend replacement or upgrades of simulation equipment and supplies as needed.
    7. Present recommendation to the steering committee for membership on subcommittee for academic assessment and evaluation as outlined in these bylaws.
  4. Simulations Skills Lab Subcommittee (SSL)
    1. Subcommittee chair: 
      1. Elected by the voting members of the subcommittee for a one-year term, with subsequent terms informed by workload.
      2. Election will occur in the spring semester.
      3. Nominations for chair of the subcommittee will be sought during the previous semester meeting of the subcommittee.
      4. The chair of the subcommittee must be a member of the assembly.
      5.  An ad hoc election of the chair may occur.
    2. Membership
      1. One member of the assembly who is assigned workload in 258 or 258L from each College of Nursing site or program and one member of the assembly who is assigned workload in 358 or 358L from each College of Nursing site or program, with a maximum of two representatives from each site. A suggested representative is someone who teaches in the theory and lab component of the course. 
      2. One simulation operation specialist. 
      3. One graduate faculty representative. A suggested representative is someone who teaches in at least one graduate lab course. 
      4. Director of Healthcare Simulation Center (HCSC) or designated representative is a non-voting member with voice but no vote.
      5. Members will serve for a one-year term, with subsequent terms informed by workload.
    3. Functions
      1. Provide input on HCSC policies and guidelines to ensure compliance with accreditation standards in the SSL setting.
      2. Review and/or revise all SSL validation documents on an annual basis.
      3. Ensure communication, cooperation, and coordinated efforts between the committee on simulation and experiential learning and each College of Nursing site鈥檚 SSL team.
      4. Receive and respond to suggestions or recommendations from the committee on simulation and experiential Learning to ensure compliance with accreditation standards in the SSL setting. 
      5. Ensure consistency within the SSL setting across all College of Nursing sites. 
      6. Support integration of new technologies into the graduate and undergraduate nursing curriculum in SSL.

Section 6. Committee on Access, Opportunity, and Belonging

  1. Chair
    1. The College of Nursing coordinator of Native American advising and outreach is the permanent chair.
  2. Membership
    1. The representative from the College of Nursing on the professional staff advisory council if applicable.
    2. The College of Nursing representative on the university Access, Opportunity, and Belonging committee if applicable.
    3. A total of 3 CON students (representing undergraduate, graduate and Native American Nursing Education Center programs) may be invited as guests.
    4. One academic advisor appointed by the director of nursing student services.
    5. One to three members of the assembly to achieve a committee size of eight recommended by the committee on curriculum and approved by the steering committee.
  3. Functions
    1. Provide advice and counsel to the dean and the assembly regarding the climate for enhancement.
    2. Ensure new knowledge and best practices related to cultural knowledge are present in the curricula.
    3. Ensure College of Nursing representation on the university Access, Opportunity, and Belonging committee.
    4. Raise the level of knowledge and appreciation of cultural practices among faculty, staff and students.
    5. Develop initiatives within the College of Nursing.
    6. Collaborate with the Wintrode Student Success and Opportunity Center along with other stakeholders, to advance cultural knowledge and appreciation, especially related to education, service, research and scholarship.
    7. Foster open communication and explore ways to partner with other 成人视频 offices and area agencies related to cultural knowledge.

Article 8. Promotion and Tenure Committee

For the composition and functions of the tenure and promotion committee, please refer to the approved procedures in the College of Nursing handbook.

Article 9. Amendment of the Bylaws

Section 1. Amendment

  1. These bylaws may be amended, repealed or revised, in whole or in part by a majority vote. Amendments are to be printed or posted electronically and circulated to faculty not less than 30 calendar days prior to the meeting at which a vote is to be taken.
  2. Amendments, repeals or revisions must be submitted to the bylaws and College of Nursing handbook subcommittee not less than 90 calendar days prior to the meeting at which a vote is to be taken.

Section 2. Suspension

  1. The bylaws may be suspended temporarily for a definite purpose by a two-thirds vote of the members present.

Article 10. Approval of the Bylaws

  1. These bylaws and any amendments thereto are subject to the approval of the president of South Dakota State University in accordance with the Board of Regents and 成人视频 policies.