College of Nursing Handbook, Section 3: General support services and information for faculty and staff
Section 3: Table of Contents
- Computer Technology Training and Support
- Submitting Grades via Banner
- Inclement Weather-Emergency Closing (Exception: Clinicals)
- Instructional Design Services (Support for online teaching) Guideline
- Leave Request/Payroll Information/SNAP Timesheet Submission
- Library Resources
- Photocopying and Copyright
- Purchases
- Scheduling of Rooms and Video-Conference Systems
- Automobile Accident Reporting
- In-State and Out-of-State Faculty and Staff Travel Guidelines
- Local Employee Travel
3-1. Computer Technology Training and Support
Description: These links provide the commonly-used-by-faculty resources to obtain technical support through 成人视频, including the support desk, trainings, technology forms and more.
Associated links:
*Requires InsideState password Formerly Policy #C1235
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 3/31/2016; 2/2019; 11/2023
University links updated 4/12/2016; 11/2023
3-1a. Copyright Infringement
Description: The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides policies and protocols resources for the University.
*Requires InsideState password
Formerly Policy #F5260
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 2/2015, 11/2018; 11/2023
University links updated 11/2015; 11/2023
3-2. Submitting Course Grades to Banner and Department
Description: Describes the procedure for how to use and submit grades to Banner. Instructions for entering grades are located in Banner, right hand column, under Training and Help.
Associated link:
*Requires InsideState password
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 12/2015; 10/2023
University links updated 1/07/2016
3-3. Inclement Weather-Emergency Closing (Exception: Clinicals)
3-4. Instructional Design Services (Support for online teaching), Guideline
Description: Information related to Instructional Design Services (IDS) is located online. All College of Nursing faculty, regardless of geographic location, are supported for online teaching through IDS.
Associated link:
- *
*Requires InsideState password
Formerly Policy# C1480
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 2/2015; 1/2020; 11/2023
University links updated 12/18/2015
3-5. Leave Request/Payroll Information/SNAP Time-sheet Submission
Description: The College of Nursing adheres to the South Dakota Board of Regents requirements for payroll, timesheets and leave requests. You must have an InsideState password to access this information.
Associated links:
- *
- *
*Requires InsideState Password
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 11/2021; 11/2023
3-6. Library Resources
Description: College of Nursing students and faculty have digital access to nearly all nursing, medicine, allied health and related journals and resources through two academic libraries: H.M. Briggs Library located on the main campus in Brookings and Wegner Health Sciences Information Center, located in Sioux Falls. Library staff support student and faculty access to on-site resources through mailing, digitizing and other accessible methods.
Associated Links:
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 2/2015; 2/2019; 11/2023
Revised: 5/2022; University links updated 3/01/2016; 11/2023
3-7. Copyright
Guidelines: Please consider copyright laws when copying materials. See associate link for copyright information.
Associated link(s):
Formerly Policy# F5620
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 2/2018; 3/2021; 11/2023
University links updated 1/2016; 3/2021
3-8. Purchases
Guidelines: All requisitions should be processed through the respective department. For Audio-Visual, Laboratory or Computer Software purchases, contact your administrative support staff for more information.
Instructional/Office Supplies/Printing: A request for office and instructional supplies should be made through the designated department purchasing staff; some items may already be in stock. For small items needed for immediate university use, the cash register receipt or credit card receipt should be turned in as soon as possible to the designated department purchasing staff for reimbursement. This should be an infrequent occurrence and will be questioned by the appropriate department head. Purchases or print jobs completed off-campus may not be reimbursed if the item/service is available on campus.
Computer/Software Purchases:
Formerly Policy #F5740
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 2/2015; 2/2019; 12/2023
Links updated: 12/2023
3-9. Scheduling of Rooms and Video-Conference Systems
Guidelines: Each site has a master schedule for classrooms. Rooms may be available for special scheduling circumstances; please check with your coordinator or administrative support staff. Coordinators are responsible for scheduling the rooms/space that are needed for classes. Please contact administrative support staff for more information, if needed.
- College of Nursing conference rooms, classrooms and the Nursing Learning Laboratory: Contact 605-688-6153.
- University wide classrooms and meeting rooms:
- To request rooms to be used Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., contact the Registrar's Office at 605-688-6195.
- For meeting rooms to be used on weekends or after 5 p.m., contact Information Exchange at 605-688-6127 or by email.
Sioux Falls: Master schedule is maintained by the site.
- Classrooms and special circumstances: It is the responsibility of the administrative support staff coordinators to schedule rooms/space for all class sessions and special circumstances. Contact site support staff at 605-367-8421 or 605-782-3086.
- For Nursing Laboratory: Contact the simulation education specialist at 605-367-5395.
- Sioux Falls Conference Rooms: Contact administrative support at 605-367-8421 or 605-782-3086.
Rapid City
- Classrooms and meeting rooms: It is the responsibility of the administrative support staff to schedule rooms and space for all class sessions and meetings and coordinate audio and video conferencing. Contact support staff at 605-394-2880 (Mt. Rushmore Rd. location) or 605-394-5390 (11th St. location).
- Rapid City College of Nursing resource lab rooms are scheduled by the Simulation and Learning Lab Technician for simulation and learning lab classes.
Formerly Policy# F5780
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 2/2018; 3/2021; 2/2024
University links updated 11/2015/
3-10. Automobile Accident Reporting
Description: South Dakota Board of Regents guidelines for accident reporting when using a state vehicle. Guidelines for accident reporting are found on page 19 of Policy and Procedures for Assigned Drivers and Pool Vehicles document.
Associated link(s):
Formerly Policy# F5140
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee 2/2015; 2/2024
University links updated 12/16/2015; 4/27/2020
3-11. In-State and Out-of-State Faculty and Staff Travel Guideline
Purpose: To inform College of Nursing faculty and staff on the travel process for reimbursement.
Description: The College of Nursing values networking with state, regional, national and international partners and organizations. Rules, procedures, forms and vouchers for travel within South Dakota and outside the state鈥檚 border, as well as conference attendance, may be found at the link below. Please review the Travel Procedure document* for instructions on how to complete travel request forms and travel vouchers.
Associated link:
- *
*Requires InsideState password
Formerly Policy #F5980 and Policy #F6120
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 4/2018; 3/2021; 3/2024
University links updated 4/16/2018
3-12. Local Employee Travel
- Guideline Purpose
- Objectives for this guideline are as follows:
- Describe the cost-effective methods of travel while conducting the business of the College of Nursing during business hours
- Objectives for this guideline are as follows:
- Guideline Scope
- This guideline applies to use of personal or fleet vehicles to travel on University business to clinical sites and other local College of Nursing (CON) locations when the University will be reimbursing costs of local travel.
- Guideline Statements
- Overview: Employees should utilize the most cost-effective method of travel whenever possible. For unusual circumstances, decisions are made at the discretion of the Dean.
- Personal Mileage Reimbursement: When a single person travels, use of personal vehicle is the preferred method of travel. Business mileage will be reimbursed at the identified 成人视频 travel rate in effect on date of travel. Reimbursement at the high travel rate will occur only if a fleet vehicle is not available at the site. When two or more employees traveling on University business share transportation in a personal vehicle, only the driver may claim reimbursement for travel. Mileage reimbursement will start from the employee鈥檚 Home Station (ex. Brookings, Sioux Falls, Rapid City). When an indirect route (ex. employee driving from their home) is taken, the employee will be required to provide the odometer readings to determine mileage. The employee will receive reimbursement for the lesser of the two (indirect mileage vs Home station mileage). Employees will NOT receive reimbursement for mileage between Home Stations if the appointment they were hired under requires working between Home Stations. Additional travel reimbursement information can be found under the Travel Manual located on Inside State.
- Parking on Brookings Campus
- Employees coming to Brookings have these options:
- Day parking passes (contact Parking Services 605-688-PARK, to purchase day passes).
- Employees will be required to provide Parking Services with the dates for parking and a method of payment.
- Pay Lot (east side Student Union). This option is available in the event the employee does not wish to purchase a day parking pass.
- Commuter lots. This can be purchased via a payroll deduction.
- Economy permit lots designated as economy are free to park in the summer. Economy lots are further out, for example there is one by the football field and one by the Performing Arts Center. This permit can be purchased via payroll deduction.
- Day parking passes (contact Parking Services 605-688-PARK, to purchase day passes).
- State vehicles require a parking permit and will be ticketed if no permit is evident. It is up to the driver of the vehicle to pay for parking tickets and to resolve any parking disputes directly with Parking Services. The CON will not reimburse for parking fees or tickets.
- Visitor Parking permits will only be issued for:
- New employees to come to campus for benefits orientation
- Guests
- Employees coming to Brookings have these options:
- Lodging (applicable to Brookings and Sioux Falls Employees who travel between sites)
- Lodging in Sioux Falls or Brookings prior to an early morning class or meeting is not reimbursable unless there is a weather-related need.
- Use of Fleet Vehicles: When two or more persons travel to and from the same location, use of motor pool is the preferred method of travel.
Reviewed by the Bylaws and Handbook Committee: 2/2024