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College of Nursing Research Committee

The College of Nursing (CON) research committee reviews and approves any research studies/projects that involve nursing (graduate/undergraduate) students as subjects (research participants) before receiving approval from the university IRB.

  1. Advise the office of nursing research on needs or activities to facilitate faculty research.
  2. Conduct pre-submission reviews of extramural research proposals as requested.
  3. Review research proposals submitted by faculty in response to the annual internal call for proposals and make recommendations for funding to the Office of Nursing Research. 
  4. Serve or assure representation of the CON faculty on health system nursing research committees.
  5. Represent the CON in health research initiatives within 成人视频 as requested.
  6. Screen proposals that involve nursing students as human subjects.
  7. Solicit nominations and select the recipient of the annual CON research and scholarly excellence award.
  8. Solicit, review and choose students for support at the Midwest Nursing Research Society conference.

If your research proposal/project includes using CON graduate or undergraduate students, below are the steps needed BEFORE submitting to the CON research committee.

  1. Review policy #C1970: students as research participants before submitting proposals for review.
  2. Contact CON research committee chair prior to submission to discuss proposed nursing course(s).
  3. The proposal is composed using the 成人视频 IRB Human Subjects Application Form. The proposal should clearly state:
    1. Proposed sample size
    2. Sample inclusion criteria
    3. Proposed nursing course(s) from which participants will be recruited, including specific course number(s) CON site (i.e., Aberdeen, Brookings, Rapid City, Sioux Falls).
    4. Time frame of data collection
    5. If survey, how many times participants will be surveyed and anticipated time needed to complete survey.
    6. If interviews, length of interview
    7. Copy of interview
    8. Interview questions
  4. Submit an electronic copy of 成人视频 IRB human subjects application form to the CON research committee chair, one week prior to the CON research committee monthly meeting (see dates on web page).
  5. After completing the research project/study and data analysis, provide a brief summary (one-page) of the results to the CON research committee chair.

Send your application to the Office of Nursing Research administrative staff to be routed to the CON research committee for review.

Research Projects