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Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) Prerequisite and Co-Requisite Courses

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Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) Prerequisite Courses

Must be completed by prior to the start of the fall semester in the year accepted into the program.

  • ENGL 101 Composition I (SGR1) 3 credits
  • ENGL 201 Composition II (SGR1) 3 credits
  • CMST 101 Foundations of Communication (SGR2) 3 credits
  • HDFS 210 Lifespan Development (SGR3) 3 credits
  • Social Sciences (SGR3) 3 credits
  • Arts & Humanities (SGR4) 6 credits
  • MATH 114 Mathematics (SGR5) 3 credits
  • CHEM 106/L General Chemistry Survey (SGR6) 4 credits
  • BIOL 221/L Human Anatomy 4 credits
  • BIOL 325/L Physiology 4 credits
  • MICRO 231/L Microbiology 4 credits
  • NURS 201 Medical Terminology 1 credit
  • NUTR 315 Human Nutrition 3 credits

Total Prerequisite Credits = 44

Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) Co-Requisite Courses

Must be completed prior to the start of the fall semester in the second year of the program.

  • EHS 119 EHS Seminar 2 credits
  • Elective 1 credit
  • HLTH 220 Social Determinants of Health (Can Substitute) 3 credits
  • NUTR 111 Food People & the Environment 3 credits
  • CHEM 108/L Organic Biochemistry (SGR6) 5 credits

Total Co-requisite Credits = 14

SGR abbreviation indicates System General Education Requirements of Baccalaureate degree.