
Jadyn Woodward

Site: West River Nursing Program, Rapid City

Jadyn with child

Semester: Three

Minor: Human Development and Family Studies

Organizations that you are involved in: nursing ambassador, Student Nurses Association

Advice for fellow students: Do not give up on your goals. Set your goals high, and do not let anything stop you from reaching them. Go to tutoring, it is so helpful. Talk to your instructors; they are there to help you. Go the extra mile; it will only make you better.

Study Abroad experience: in the summer of 2018, I had the opportunity to go to St. Lucia, South Africa through the Volunteer Eco Students Abroad program. It was a life changing experience. (picture from my trip)

Future goals: graduate with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing; minor in Human Development and Family studies; graduate with honors; pass my NCLEX; and be a Traveling Nurse in the Emergency department

Why do you want to be a nurse: I love to help people. I find it fulfilling when I make someone smile after they have been through some life changing obstacles. I love taking the extra step just by helping someone with the littlest things. Seeing people become healthier, brings me joy.

Hometown: Dupree

By Danika Busse-Johnson