Post- Congress
Ben Reifel remained very active after leaving Congress. He spoke at numerous occasions such as graduations and Memorial Day services.
National Appointments
He was appointed by President Nixon to serve as the nation's first Interior Secretary for Indian and Territorial Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Interior. He later accepted another appointment by President Nixon as chairman of the National Capital Planning Commission which was charged with adopting, approving or providing advice on plans and projects that impact the nation鈥檚 capital and surrounding areas.
Reifel also served as assistant to George B. Hartzog, Jr. the director of the National Park Service. Many members of Congress supported Reifel in this endeavor, and many wrote to congratulate him on his appointment. Reifel traveled to Indian reservation to meet with tribal representatives to discuss ways to develop tourism on Indian lands. He left the position in 1974.
Reifel with the Ute Indian Tribe
Ben Reifel meets with members of the Ute Indian Tribe in Colorado n 1971.
Reifel sworn in as Special Assistant
Tom Kleppe swears in Ben Reifel as Special Assistant in 1970
Service to South Dakota
In 1977, Ben became a trustee of the South Dakota Art Museum in Brookings and served terms as their board president for 1982-1983. He established the first Native American collection at the Art Museum in 1977, donating most of his personal collection of American Indian Art Work. He later donated several Oscar Howe paintings.
South Dakota Art Museum Board
Ben Reifel served a trustee on the South Dakota Art Museum board.
Reifel at an Oscar Howe Exhibition
Ben Reifel viewing an Oscar Howe exhibit at the South Dakota Art Museum.
Learn more about Ben Reifel's life by diving into his papers. A large selection of the Benjamin Reifel Papers is available online through the Digital Library of South Dakota.