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Grants, Awards and Scholarships

Items marked with a * indicate that the resource pertains to South Dakota.


Since 2001, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation has successfully partnered with over 115 rural, urban and suburban school districts participating in the U.S. Department of Education鈥檚 Teaching American History Grant Program. This program allows teachers to acquire accurate and current historical content. Discover new and innovative instructional strategies to make history engaging and relevant, and receive lesson plans and primary sources that are for ready use in the classroom.

Grants.gov allow users to search for grants fitted to their specific needs. Grant opportunities that can aid your classroom are offered by numerous organizations such as the National Endowment of Humanities and the Department of Education.

Has multiple grant listings. General grants can be found along with grants that are geared more toward learning experiences for teachers like summer seminars.

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation funds over 100,000 grants and more than half go toward higher education in some form. These grants are geared towards large projects. For example, if an entire department is in need of new books or other classroom material.

This is a great resource to use when your local university or library does not have access to Foundations Directory Online. Registration is required when signing up and you will gain access to free email alerts about new available grants.

Grants geared toward higher education. Over 80,000 dollars is given away annually to provided research and guest lecture/presentation opportunities. South Dakota Humanities Council grants are ideal for APUSH classrooms, as the teacher can utilize the funds to bring a guest lecturer to his/her classroom or school.

SDCF provides a resource list for finding grants throughout the state of South Dakota. They have given out over 400,000 dollars over the years, and a significant portion of it has gone towards educational initiatives. Utilize the local grants section to fund projects pertaining to local history!

The Mary Chilton DAR Foundation currently awards three types of grants, Regular, Mini and Schoolroom. The Schoolroom grant awards are in the amount of $500 and are available to teachers of grades 3, 4 and 5 in public school districts in South Dakota having fewer than 300 students in grades K-12.

First Banks and Trust offers the Fishback Financial Corporation Community Fund, a philanthropic fund aimed at benefiting youth, enhancing the liberal arts and advancing education and quality of life. Examples for which funding can be provided included funding field trips/tours, conferences, scholarship programs, individual requests and more.

An informative resource on how to write winning grant proposals. The article addresses Undergraduate Grants, Graduate and Doctoral Grants, Travel Grants and Visiting Scholar Grants, and offers advice on how to avoid common grant writing mistakes as well.

GuideStar helps provide a wide range of grants spanning from family life to education. GuideStar鈥檚 unique profiles provide you with information that will allow you to make smart decisions, build connections and learn from others that can benefit your mission. The profiles allow educator to find grants that will be beneficial to their classrooms specific needs.

South Dakota Education Association*

Provides grants and scholarships to teachers who excel at their professions and to students planning to pursue higher education. This is a great resource for people who want to advance their profession or receive higher education.