Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Adding additional items.
Jackrabbit logos may not be customized with additional items
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Not full color.
Do not screen the logos to less than 100 percent color.
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Using upside down.
Do not use upside down or sideways.
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Smaller than 1 inch
Jackrabbit logos may not be used smaller than 1" in height.
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Insufficient contrast.
Do not place on a background that does not provide sufficient contrast. Use outline version
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo - Print over logo.
Do not print over mascot.
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Do not distort.
Do not stretch or distort.
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Not using full logo.
Mascot must be used in its entirety
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Incorrectly using a color variation.
Do not create color variations.
Incorrect use of Jackrabbit Logo. Do not use in reverse.
Do not reverse logos.
Incorrect Jackrabbit Logo - Do not use a pattern.
Do not use a pattern unless prior approval is obtained.