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Policy 6:1 - Utility Vehicles

Policy Contact: Facilities and Services

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures set forth University standards for use of its Utility Vehicles in order to ensure safe and lawful use and to limit liability and expense of the University.

  2. Definitions
    1. Utility Vehicles:
      1. Off-Road Vehicle: Self-propelled, two or more wheeled vehicle designed primarily to be operated off a roadway or highway.
      2. Low-Speed Vehicle: A four-wheeled motor vehicle whose speed attainable in one mile is more than twenty miles per hour and not more than twenty-five miles per hour on a paved level surface; includes Global Electric Motorcars (GEMs).
      3. Golf Cart: A four-wheeled vehicle originally and specifically designed and intended to transport one or more individuals and golf clubs for the purpose of playing the game of golf on a golf course.
    2. University Campus: The land designated as the grounds of the main campus of the University, not including designated municipal roadways or highways surrounding the perimeter of campus.
    3. Highway: Public rights-of-way established for purposes of vehicular travel in conformity with SDCL Chapter 31 and not University-owned grounds.
    4. Roadway: That portion of a highway used for vehicular travel.
    5. Sidewalk: The portion of a street between curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for use of pedestrians.
    6. Authorized Driver: Meets the following requirements – Position duties or University business needs impose or direct a responsibility to operate a Utility Vehicle as part of the employee’s or authorized volunteer’s duties, licensed to operate a motor vehicle, has completed University safety training for Utility Vehicle operation, and has executed the University required documentation.
    7. Licensed Vehicle: Vehicle licensed by appropriate licensing body as required for use in area requiring licensure for operation.
    8. Authorized Third-Party Operator: Contracted vendor or affiliated entity authorized to operate a Utility Vehicle on the University Campus in compliance with University rules.
  3. Policy
    1. The University Campus roadways and driveways are not considered highways as defined by SDCL 31-1-1 and are subject to University control for University Utility Vehicle operation.
    2. Utility Vehicles may be operated on the University Campus by Authorized Drivers as approved by their supervisor in the fulfillment of their employment duties or by Authorized Third-Party Operators as approved by the Assistant Vice President for Facilities & Services, successor, or designee.
    3. An individual must complete the Utility Vehicle training applicable to the type of Utility Vehicle to be operated prior to being an Authorized Driver or Authorized Third-Party Operator. University Facility and Services shall provide Utility Vehicle training to its Authorized Drivers and University Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for providing appropriate training to all other designated Authorized Drivers. The V.P. for Technology and Security, or designee is responsible for maintenance of training records. HR is responsible for volunteer and personnel records retention.
    4. Utility Vehicles must be operated in accordance with all applicable regulations and University policies.
    5. Authorized Drivers and Authorized Third-Party Operators are prohibited from operating Utility Vehicles inside, under, or through the confines of University buildings.
    6. Only properly Licensed Vehicles with an Authorized Driver may enter or cross municipal roadways, highways, and restricted driving areas, in conformity with the rules applicable to those premises and when approved by their supervisor in fulfillment of their assigned duties. Authorized Drivers should stay on sidewalks and off roadways and highways when possible. The AVP for Facilities and Services, or designee shall maintain and make available maps of designated campus areas where Utility Vehicles may be operated.
    7. Utility Vehicles must be operated in accordance with safe operating procedures, in accordance with posted speed limits, traffic, and parking directives, giving deference to pedestrians.
    8. Utility Vehicles must be maintained in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and in good working order. The University unit assigned a Utility Vehicle is responsible for records related to Utility Vehicles maintenance and repairs and the AVP for Finance and Business/Controller, or designee is responsible for Utility lease and purchase approval, contracts, and their retention.
    9. Any accidents or necessary repairs must be immediately reported in accordance with University policies.
    10. Modification or tampering with a Utility Vehicle’s governor, if present, is prohibited and is a violation of University policy and federal law.
    11. Failure to abide by this and other applicable policies may result in employment action, up to and including dismissal, in conformity with the applicable procedures and personal liability. The University reserves the right to determine who may be designated as an Authorized Driver and revoke such authorization in accordance with University policies and procedures.
  4. Procedures
    1. Authorized Drivers and Authorized Third-Party Operators who are assigned duties for the University that include operation of a Utility Vehicle must have and maintain a valid driver’s license to use and operate a Utility Vehicle.
    2. Prior to the operation of a Utility Vehicle, individuals must become Authorized Drivers or Authorized Third-Party Operators through completion of training, and they must read and sign a University required documentation of safe operating procedures. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees and individuals have completed the training before operation of a Utility Vehicle. Documentation of completion will be maintained in the applicable volunteer records or personnel file. The VP for Technology and Security, or designee, will ensure maintenance of records of those authorized to operate a Utility Vehicles.
    3. Utility Vehicle training will be provided by approved instructors in Facilities and Services and Environmental Health and Safety.
    4. Utility Vehicle training, once received, does not expire and re-training will be required by a change to this policy or upon specific notification of operators in need of remediation.
    5. Any necessary vehicle license requests and requests for purchase or lease of University Utility Vehicles must be submitted to the AVP for Finance and Business/Controller, successor, or designee, for approval and processing. Related purchases and fees are the responsibility of the department and are subject to all applicable purchasing rules.
    6. Repairs and regular maintenance, and the preservation of records thereof, of Utility Vehicles is the responsibility of the Facilities and Services Welding Shop or successor unit.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Associate Vice President for Facilities and Services, successor, or designee is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy.

Approved by President on 11/14/2014.

Sources: SDCL Chapters and