NSO Travel and Accommodations

Check-in and Parking

Check in is located on the first floor of the . 

Park in the (just east of the Union). For overflow parking, use the large lot to the southeast ().


The cost to attend an NSO session is FREE, but students and families attending first-time student sessions can also choose to eat and sleep here for a minimal fee.

Students eating in University Student Union
fork knife icon
Grab a Bite
Campus Dining

Since you'll be spending an entire day with us, we've made sure you'll have some options for lunch right here on campus. Students and guests can choose to purchase a meal from one of several eateries in the Student Union.

Jack the Rabbit lying in bed reading a nutrition textbook.
Moon and stars icon
Stay on Campus
Overnight Accommodations

We offer students and guests the option to stay in a residence hall the night prior to their session. The cost is $25 per person per night. Spaces are limited.

To reserve space and pay for your stay, please call the Housing and Residential Life Office at 605-688-5148. Check your Jacks email prior to your session for details on parking and check-in for your stay. Rooms include sheets, a blanket, pillow, towel and washcloth. Individuals should bring their own toiletries.

No overnight options are available for the Spring NSO Admit sessions due to the ongoing academic year housing needs.

Brookings Community

The city of Brookings offers several other dining, overnight accommodations and entertainment options during your stay.

Area Hotels
Contact us
New Student Orientation
1421 Student Union Ln.
Brookings, SD 57007
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