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Specimens for bacteriology should be collected as soon after the death of the animal as possible and as aseptically as possible. They should be placed in heat-sterilized containers or sterile plastic bags and sealed tightly. Do not use plastic gloves or sleeves. Do not chemically treat containers for shipping specimens. Sterile tubes for mastitis cultures are available from the laboratory.

Include a representative portion of the tissues and include any lesions that may be present.

Place samples of body organs in containers separate from intestine or stomach. This prevents contamination by leakage of the intestinal contents. It is best to collect specimens of other organs for bacterial culture before opening the gastrointestinal tract. For culturing, submit a 4-6" section and don't open the intestine.

Fluids from body cavities, heart sac, joints, etc., are best collected with a sterile swab with transport media and submitted in a sealed, sterile tube or aspirated into a sterile disposable syringe.

Except for slaughter specimens to be cultured for Brucella sp., freezing is undesirable. Adequate refrigeration should accompany specimens so they reach the laboratory still chilled.

ADRDL User Guide
DescriptionFeeService AreaSpeciesTest DaysTurnaround Time
Aerobic Culture - with Diagnostic Evaluation Charge$8.00 Bacteriology Aquatic, Avian, Bovine, Camelid, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Feline, Food Safety, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Aerobic Culture - without Diagnostic Evaluation Charge$30.00 Bacteriology Aquatic, Avian, Bovine, Camelid, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Feline, Food Safety, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Anaerobic Culture$15.50 Bacteriology Avian, Bovine, Camelid, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Analytical Profile Index (API) Culture Strip$22.00 Bacteriology
Antimicrobial Susceptibility$28.00 Bacteriology Avian, Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Antimicrobial Susceptibility NARMS$10.00 Bacteriology Monday-Friday Four to five business days
Aquatic Bacterial Screen$3.50 Bacteriology Aquatic Monday-Friday Ten to fifteen business days
Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) Culture$30.00 Bacteriology Bovine Monday-Friday One to four business days
Bovine Nasal Swab Culture$12.00 Bacteriology Bovine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Bovine Ocular Culture$12.00 Bacteriology Bovine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Bulk Tank Milk Culture$30.00 Bacteriology Bovine Monday-Friday Two to five business days
Campylobacter Culture$10.50 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to seven business days
Clostridium Difficile Toxin A/B ELISA$30.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday One to two business day(s)
Clostridium Fluorescent Antibody (FA) Test$12.50 Bacteriology Bovine Monday-Friday One to two business day(s)
Darkfield Motility Screen$6.00 Bacteriology Caprine, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday One business day
Dermatophilus congolensis Culture$20.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Seven to ten business days
Dermatophyte/Ringworm Culture$18.00 Bacteriology Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Thirty business days
Environmental Salmonella Sample Preparation$10.00 Bacteriology Avian Monday-Friday Two to four business days
Francisella tularensis (Tularemia) Culture$30.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Five to seven business days
Giemsa Screen for Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax)Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday One business day
K99 Escherichia coli (E.coli) Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA) Test$12.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday One to three business day(s)
Listeria Enrichment$20.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Five to seven business days
MALDI-TOF Bacterial Identification$8.00 Bacteriology Monday-Friday One to three business day(s)
Milk Sample Culture$8.50 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine Monday-Friday Three to four business days
Mycology Culture$18.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Mycoplasma Culture$30.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Five to twelve business days
Mycoplasma Milk Screen$14.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Caprine, Ovine Monday-Friday Five to ten business days
Salmonella Enrichment$8.00 Bacteriology Avian, Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Five to seven business days
Salmonella Serogrouping$5.00 Bacteriology Avian, Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Five to seven business days
Salmonella SerotypingBacteriology Avian, Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Four to six weeks
Semen Bacterial Screen$8.50 Bacteriology Bovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days
Special Bacterial CultureBacteriology Monday-Friday Two to four business days
Transfer To Slant$20.00 Bacteriology Monday-Friday Two to three business days
Yersinia pestis (Plague) Culture$30.00 Bacteriology Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Monday-Friday Three to five business days