Toward 7Gen Food and Agriculture: Immersive Learning Experiences And Rural Networking (7Gen FnA iLEARN)
Immersive Learning Experiences And Rural Networking (I-LEARN) is an immersive professional development workshop created for K-12 science/agriculture educators on Rosebud Reservation. The 7Gen FnA-iLEARN project will provide immersive learning experiences to:
- K-5 teachers to develop and implement culturally relevant teaching modules on regenerative agriculture.
- 6-12 educators to blend indigenous science standards and next generation science standards to develop and implement placed-based agriculture science teaching modules.
- Indigenous educators to implement FANH/STEM career fairs that connect indigenous students with local indigenous FANH professionals and business owners, and indigenous students currently in post-graduate STEM/FANH programs
- School administration and tribal leadership on the supporting role of regenerative agriculture for economic development and indigenous nation building.
- January
Project Partners
- Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO)
- Sicangu Community Development Corporation (SCDC)
- South Dakota State University
SDState Project Team
Srinivas Janaswamy
Associate Professor
Department of Dairy and Food Science
Department of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science