ProfessorOffice Building
Edgar S. McFadden Biostress LabOffice
252CMailing Address
McFadden Biostress Laboratory 252CBiology & Microbiology-Box 2140D
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
I am a passionate educator with teaching experience of over 30 years. My teaching journey began right after my 10th grade in Nepal and I have taught all levels of students from preK-20. My research group is interested in projects ranging from natural history to molecular mechanisms related to stress regulation in plants. Being one of the first-generation college and school students, I believe in making a difference through excellence in teaching and research as well as leading by example to inspire and engage next generation of students.Education
- Ph.D. in biology | Kansas State University
- HBX-CORE | Harvard Business School, Harvard University
- M.S. in biology | University of Northern Iowa
- B.S. in biology/botany | Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Academic Interests
- Systematics
- Bioinformatics
- Comparative genomics
- Plant population genetics
Founding Faculty Member of Institute for STEM Education Enhancement (ISEE@SDSTATE)
Founding Faculty Adviser of Bio-Micro Graduate Student Association (BMGSA)
Founding Faculty Advisor of ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Graduate Student Council (GSC)
Academic Responsibilities
- General Biology-Honors (BIOL 151/L; Enrollment capped at 70)
- General Botany (BOT 201/201L: Spring, High enrollment course)
- Biology Survey II (BIOL 103/103L; Spring, until 2012)
- Evolution (BIOL 373; Fall, until 2015)
- 7-12 Science Methods (SEED 413; Fall)
- Molecular Plant Physiology (BIOS/PS 664; Spring, until 2018)
Committees and Professional Memberships
Department of Biology and Microbiology
- Curriculum Committee (2012-2016, 2021-2022)
- Executive Committee (2022-current)
- Tenure and Promotion Committee (Chair, 2021-2022)
- Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Advisory Committees
- Faculty Search Committees
College Level
- Internal Advisory Board- College of Natural Sciences (2020-2022)
- Academic Appeal Committee for Teachers Certification Program (Dept of Teaching, Learning and Leadership; 2014-current)
- Teacher Education Faculty (TEF; 2009-current)
- Honors College Faculty Advisory Committee (2014-2020)
- College of Education and Human Sciences -Admission and Scholastic Standards Committee (2014-Current)
University Level
- Faculty Senate President (2021-2022)
- Faculty Senate Vice President (2020-2021)
- Graduate Student Council Advisor (2021-current)
- F. O. Butler Foundation Trustee (2019-2022)
- Higher Learning Commission-NCA Accreditation Steering Committee (2018-19)
- Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) Advisory Council (2016-2020)
- Administration Search Committee- member (2)
- University Committees
- Tenure and Promotion Committee (2022-current)
- Committee on Committees (Chair, 2020-2021)
- Academic Affairs (2012-2013)
- Academic Appeals (2018-2020)
- Faculty Budget (2021-2022)
- Intercollegiate Athletics Board (2018-2019)
- International Affairs (Chair, 2016-2018; member 2015-2016)
South Dakota Board of Regents (System Academic Affairs)
- Natural Science Discipline Council (Chair, 2018-2022)
- Biology Discipline Council (Ad-hoc; Fall 2013)
- State Representative, WICHE - Interstate Passport Initiative (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education - Natural Sciences Group, 2015-2022)
South Dakota
- Department of Education- Science Advisory Council (2017-2019)
Botanical Society of America
- Committee on Committees (Board member, 2023-current)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion-Impact Award sub-committee (Chair, 2021-2022)
Professional Memberships:
- Botanical Society of America-Teaching Section Chair (Elected; 2015-2018)
- Botanical Society of America- Vice Chair and Program Director (2012-2015)
- American Society of Plant Biologists-member
- Sigma Xi Chapter President (2013-2014)
- South Dakota Honor Society of Agriculture President (2015-2016)
- Ecological Society of America
- Genetics Society of America
Awards and Honors
- ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Inaugural Global Achievement Award (Office of International Affairs, 2022)
- FO Butler Excellence in Teaching (2021)
- Samuel Noel Postlethwait Award for Outstanding Service to Teaching Section of the Botanical Society of America (2018)
- Honor Society of Agriculture (Gamma Sigma Delta) Past President Recognition (2017)
- Honor Society of Agriculture Distinguished Service Award (2017)
- Edward Patrick Hogan Award For Teaching Excellence (2016)
- Sigma Xi Past President Recognition (2015)
- National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences (2015 National Academies Northstar Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education in Biology)
- Gamma Sigma Delta Teaching Award (South Dakota Honor Society of Agriculture; 2014)
- Tom Cheesbrough Excellence in Teaching Award (Department of Biology and Microbiology, ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ; 2014)
- Lee Olson Travel Award (Department of Biology and Biology, ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ; 2014)
- 2014 Outstanding Faculty Award nominee (Biology and Microbiology Graduate Student Association)
- 2014 CE Bessey Teaching Award nominee (Botanical Society of America)
- USDA NIFA 7Gen-FnA-iLEARN (Nepal et al. 2021-2025)
- NSF RCN-UBE: The Wokini Undergraduate Biology Education Network (Heiberger and Nepal; 2021-2022)
- NSF Synthetic Biology (Butzin, Nepal, Fernandez; 2019-2024)
- NSF REMAST Phase-III (Vestal, Nepal, Browning, Miller and White; 2020-2025)
- USDA-NIFA; FAST-REEU (Nepal, Bott-Knutson, Janaswamy, Mathew and White; 2018-2022)
- South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotional Council (with F. Mathew, 2017-2018)
- USDA-NIFA; iLEARN (Nepal, White, Browning and Miller; 2016-2019)
- USDA-NIFA; AES Hatch Fund (Nepal; 2013-2018)
- DOE/SDBOR; Science and Technology Resources for Engagement Activity Modules (STREAM) (Browning, Nepal and Miller; 2015/2016)
- NSF-REMAST Robert Noyce Scholarship Program –Phase II (Vestal, Nepal, Browning, Miller and Bertolini; 2014-2016)
- South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotional Council (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
- Department of Education - South Dakota Board of Reagents (SETI^2, SETI^2-PhaseII) (Browning, Nepal and Miller; NCLB, Title II Grant) 2012/13 and 2013/2014
- NSF-REMAST Robert Noyce Scholarship Program (Vestal, Nepal, Browning, Emo and Miller; 2007-2012)
- ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Academic and Scholarly Excellence Initiative (Miller, Nepal, Browning, Vestal and Emo; 2010-2011)
- USDA Forest Service (2010-2012)
- ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Research Scholarship Fund 2010 (2009-2010)
Areas of Research
- Plant Systematics
- Molecular Phylogenetics
- Comparative Genomics
- Advancement of knowledge (Plant Evolution)
- Plant species identification and management (Biodiversity and Conservation)
- Stress responsive gene identification and characterization (Crop Improvement)
Image for Department of Biology and Microbiology
Department of Biology and Microbiology
Image for Biology and Microbiology Department Research
Biology and Microbiology Department Research
Image for Biology and Microbiology Department Research
Biology and Microbiology Department Research