Barry, Allison

Allison Barry

Assistant Professor


Dr. Barry is an assistant professor in the School of Health and Consumer Sciences. She teaches in the undergraduate and graduate programs. Her research focuses on improving cardiorespiratory fitness through increased levels of physical activity in different tactical populations. Additionally, she uses this information to create wellness fitness initiatives in fire and police departments.


Academic and Professional Experience

Committees and Professional Memberships
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association
  • American College of Sports Medicine
Work Experience
  • 2022- present, assistant professor, School of Health and Consumer Sciences, South Dakota State University
  • 2018-2022, assistant professor, Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Pittsburg State University

Research and Scholar Work

  1. Dicks N.D., Brin H.N., Perumal M.D., Kopp S.R., Hutchenson E.L., Carper M.J., Walch T.J., Barry A.M. (2022) An Occupational Specific VO2max Protocol for Structural Firefighters: Update. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. In Press.
  2. Stone K.A., Barry A.M., Kotarsky C.J., Dicks N.D., Stastny S.N., Byun W., Mitchell, McGrath R., Hackney K.J. (2022) Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity, Leucine and Protein Intake Contributions to Muscle Health in Middle Age. Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls. 7(3):123-132.
  3. Barry A.M., Lyman, L.K., Dicks N.D., McGeorge C.R., Carper M.J., Walch T.J. (2020) Firefighters are More Physically Activity On-Duty Compared to Off-Duty. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(24), 9380.
  4. Dicks N.D., Kotarsky C.J., Trautman K.A., Barry A.M., Keith J.F., Mitchell S., Byun W., Stastny S.N., Hackney K.J. (2020) Full Contribution of Protein Intake and Concurrent Exercise to Skeletal Muscle Quality with Aging. The Journal of Frailty and Aging. 9(1):51-56.
  5. Barry A.M., Lyman K.J., Dicks N.D., Landin K.D., McGeorge C.R., Hackney K.J., Walch T.J. (2019) Firefighters’ Physical Activity and Waist Circumference as Predictors of VO2max. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(10):849-853.
  6. Dicks N.D., Lyman K.J., Hackney K.J., Walch T.J., Barry A.M. (2019) An Occupational Specific VO2max Protocol for Structural Firefighters. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(5):405-409.
  7. Terbizan D., Barry A.M., Stone K., Talaski J., Bennett T., Hackney K. (2018) Use of Compression Garments for Recovery from Plyometric Exercise. Missouri Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
  8. Barry A.M., Rhoades J.L., Caine D.J., Fritzgerald S.J., Dalin D.L., Walch T.J. (2017) Effect of Sedentary and Physical Activity on Children’s Food Choice. International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(10), 702-712.
  9. Byun W., Barry A., Jungmin L. (2016) Energy Expenditure of Free-living Activity in 3- to 6-year-old Children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13 (Suppl 1), S3-S6.
Mailing Address:
Wagner Hall 425
School of Health and Human Sciences-Box 2275A
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Office Location:
Wagner Hall
Room 425