Assistant Professor / Range SpecialistOffice Building
Edgar S. McFadden Biostress LabOffice
138Mailing Address
McFadden Biostress Laboratory 138Natural Resource Management-Box 2140B
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Areas of Research
My research focuses on exploring how rangeland plant communities change over time in response to land management. I use remote sensing and advanced models to further understanding of complex ecological challenges across large landscapes. Currently, I鈥檓 working on simulating and predicting outcomes of grazing management by looking at factors like plant species, water stress and livestock performance.
Expertise and Interests:
- Rangeland ecology
- Rangeland modeling
- Remote sensing
- Grazing management
- Rangeland plant succession
- Reclamation and restoration ecology
Image for Department of Natural Resource Management
Department of Natural Resource Management