Two students with a conservation officer in the state game production area

Department of Natural Resource Management

Learn how to best conserve and manage our natural resources.

Our areas of scientific expertise enable us to train an array of disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate level utilizing interdisciplinary approaches while preparing them for a multitude of career options. South Dakota's natural resources are a key factor in maintaining a high-quality workforce throughout our state. Moreover, the quality of life for many people is intimately tied to their enjoyment of natural areas.

NRM Vision

  • We advance conservation, management and restoration through interdisciplinary research, education and outreach to empower people with the knowledge to address environmental and natural resource challenges.

NRM Mission

  • Academic programs - We train students to be professionals of distinction who work to support natural resources and the environment.
  • Research and scholarly activity - We address critical environmental and natural resource challenges through rigorous investigation and scientific dissemination.
  • Outreach - We foster stewardship of the environment and natural resources by providing evidence-based information and assisting with implementation to benefit society.
My experience with faculty here has honestly been great. [...] They actually care about who you are and they really just want you to succeed.
Tyler Hylland, Wildlife and Fisheries Student
Icon of a teacher in front of a chalkboard
19 Faculty
Icon of a student in a graduation cap
305 Undergraduate and 60 Graduate/Postdoc
hand with coins icon
59 Scholarship Recipients
Icon of grains
Facilities and Field Stations

The department has approximately 22,700 square feet of assigned space in the Edgar S. McFadden Biostress Laboratory (SNP).

The Department also has several off-campus research facilities including:

Students standing in a field of grass and plants.
Icon of three people, representing community
About us
Meet our People

We are here to help! Meet the administrators, faculty and staff of the Department of Natural Resource Management.

Upcoming Events
Group photo next to display case
Icon of clapping hands
Above and Beyond
Natural Resource Management 321 Class Recognized

President Dunn recognized the Natural Resource Management 321: Park Interpretation class and students’ efforts to create an interactive display in the Edgar S. McFadden Biostress Laboratory in his weekly message to campus.