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William Severud

William Severud


Assistant Professor

Office Building

Edgar S. McFadden Biostress Lab



Mailing Address

McFadden Biostress Laboratory 143
Natural Resource Management-Box 2140B
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


I am a Certified Wildlife Biologist® and as such, I aim to conduct research to inform wildlife management. My research group investigates questions surrounding animal health and how disease, movement and predator-prey interactions influence population dynamics, especially of large mammalian species. Students in my lab use a variety of field methods, including the use of GPS collars, conservation detection dogs and sampling of soils, plants and animal tissues. Students also work closely with Tribal natural resource agencies to address issues affecting subsistence and culturally important species (bison, moose, white-tailed deer, bighorn sheep).


  • B.A. in biology | Carleton College
  • M.S. in biology | Northern Michigan University
  • Ph.D. in natural resources science and management - Wildlife Ecology and Management | University of Minnesota

Academic Interests

  • Wildlife management
  • Population dynamics
  • Spatial and movement ecology
  • Disease
  • Predator-prey interactions

Academic Responsibilities

  • NRM 230: Natural Resource Management Techniques
  • WL 411/411L: Principles of Wildlife Management and Lab
  • WL 417/517/417L/517L: Large Mammal Ecology and Management and Lab
  • WL 425/525/425L/525L: Wildlife Disease and Lab
  • WL 491: Independent Study
  • WL 714: Population Dynamics
  • NRM 791: Independent Study: Wildlife Bayesian Statistics
  • NRM 792: Special Topics: Tribal Fish and Wildlife Management
  • WL 798: Thesis
  • WL 898: Dissertation

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • The Wildlife Society
  • American Society of Mammalogists


  1. Severud, W. J., T. M. Kautz, J. L. Belant, and S. A. Moore. 2023. Mineral licks as a potential nidus for parasite transmission. Food Webs 36:e00299.
  2. Struck, M., W. J. Severud, Y. M. Chenaux-Ibrahim, E. J. Isaac, J. L. Brown, S. A. Moore, and T. M. Wolf. 2023. Refining the moose serum progesterone threshold to diagnose pregnancy. Conservation Physiology 11:coad003.
  3. Severud, W. J., M. Petz Giguere, T. Walters, T. J. Garwood, K. Teager, K. M. Marchetto, L. G. R. Oliveira-Santos, S. A. Moore, and T. M. Wolf. 2023. Terrestrial gastropod species-specific responses to forest management: Implications for Parelaphostrongylus tenuis transmission to moose. Forest Ecology and Management 529:120717.
  4. Severud, W. J., D. Wolfson, J. Fieberg, and D. E. Andersen. 2022. Sandhill crane colt survival in Minnesota. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13:1–8.
  5. Severud, W. J., S. S. Berg, C. A. Ernst, G. D. DelGiudice, S. A. Moore, S. K. Windels, R. A. Moen, E. J. Isaac, and T. M. Wolf. 2022. Statistical population reconstruction of moose (Alces alces) in northeastern Minnesota using integrated population models. PLOS ONE 17:e0270615.
  6. Candler, E. M., W. J. Severud, D. E. Beyer Jr, B. Frawley, and J. K. Bump. 2022. Untrapped potential: Do bear hunter cameras accurately index nontarget species? Conservation Science and Practice 4:e570.
  7. Tischler, K. B., W. J. Severud, R. O. Peterson, J. A. Vucetich, and J. K. Bump. 2022. Aquatic areas provide high nitrogen forage for moose (Alces alces) in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. Alces 58:75–90.
  8. Lala, F., P. I. Chiyo, P. Omondi, B. Okita-Ouma, E. Kanga, M. Koskei, L. Tiller, A. W. Morris, W. J. Severud, and J. K. Bump. 2022. Influence of infrastructure, ecology, and underpass-dimensions on multi-year use of Standard Gauge Railway underpasses by mammals in Tsavo, Kenya. Scientific Reports 12:5698.


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