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Program Rules, Policies and Code of Conduct

A. State and Federal Laws:

  1. Including, but not limited to:
    1. Possession of illegal substances
    2. Assault
    3. Theft
    4. Unauthorized taking of plants and animals (The term 'take' means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.
  2. If a participant is involved in any illegal activities or violates any state or federal laws, local law enforcement and the parent/guardian will be contacted. Illegal activities will result in immediate dismissal and being sent home at their own expense. No refund will be provided.

B. University and Oak Lake Field Station Policies

  1. The following items are prohibited:
    1. Pets
    2. Fireworks
    3. Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, tobacco or vape products
    4. Weapons, including, but not limited to:
      1. Center or rim fire firearms (including BB guns, pellet guns, shotguns, rifles, pistols or any other tool intended launch projectiles with the purpose of target shooting or hunting animals)
      2. Knives
      3. Compound, crossbow, long or recurve bows
  2. The following activities are prohibited:
    1. Hunting
    2. Removal or modification of vegetation (except for authorized program activities)
    3. Campfires in non-designated areas (the middle of the camping area is the only designated area)
    4. Digging holes, taking samples, kill/harm/remove animals (except for authorized program activities)
    5. Littering
    6. Release of chemicals or other potentially hazardous materials
    7. Storage of chemicals or hazardous materials in the dining hall
  3. Participants are expected to keep the field station facilities clean and utilize recycling bins. Participants must clean up after themselves, including, but not limited to:
    1. Washing, drying, and putting away dishes
    2. Cleaning countertops, table tops and sinks after meals
    3. Sweep floors if a mess is made
    4. Clean and return equipment and classroom supplies
  4. The consequence of violating any University and/or Field Station Policies is dependent upon the severity of the infraction and is at the discretion of the program leader and field station director. Any illegal activities will be handled according to A.2. in this document. For other violations, participants will be given a warning. If Participants repeatedly violate these policies or the infraction is severe, participants will be asked to leave the field station for the remainder of program with no refund and be sent home at their own expense. Parents/guardians will be contacted.

C. Program Code of Conduct

  1. Attend and be on time at all events and activities.
  2. Observe hours set for being in rooms at night.
  3. Avoid abuse of room furnishing. Participants will pay for damages done.
  4. Participants will not be permitted to leave the station once they arrive.
  5. All personal vehicles must be parked in the designated parking area near the Administration building and kept there during the duration of program.
  6. Participants will not be permitted to leave the living area (bunk house, camping area and nearby restrooms and sinks) after 10 p.m. (unless involved in a scheduled program activity).
  7. Boys and girls will be housed on separate wings of the same building. No boys will be allowed on the girls’ wing nor will girls be allowed on the boys’ wing as individuals or groups.
  8. Lights out will be at 11 p.m. (unless involved in a scheduled program activity)
  9. Apparel and other items that depict alcohol, drugs or mature content are prohibited.
  10. Participants should be respectful to each other and anyone at the Field Station. Participants should not bully, harass, or discriminate against other Participants, nor should they disrupt program activities.
  11. Be actively engaged in the activities. Participants will not use their cell phones or other electronic devices during activities and presentations unless directed by the program leader.
  12. The consequence of violating rules is dependent upon the severity of the infraction and is at the discretion of the Program Leader. Participants may only be given a warning. If Participants repeatedly violate these policies, Participants will be asked to leave the field station for the remainder of program with no refund and be sent home at their own expense. Parents/guardians will be contacted.