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Consumer Affairs (B.S.)

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Students in the consumer affairs program will develop skills in management, planning, organization and problem solving to assist individuals and families to improve their economic well-being. The curriculum focuses on the interaction between consumers and the marketplace, the family financial planning process, the management of resources, public policy affecting individuals and families and consumer behavior.

The consumer affairs curriculum prepares students to qualify for employment in high demand occupations in South Dakota, including marketing managers, sales managers and retail supervisors. Program graduates have secured employment as retail managers, event planning managers, financial counselors, financial planners, insurance agents and retail banking lenders. Career opportunities also exist in non-profit organizations and government agencies. Graduate study opportunities abound in family financial counseling and planning, consumer economics, leadership and management.

An eight-week (320 hour) full-time summer internship compatible with career goals is a program requirement.

Program Specializations

Students in the program graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in consumer affairs and may choose between two specializations:

AFCPE Registered Education Program Logo

The family financial management (FFM) specialization is for students interested in the financial services industry and focuses on principles and practice related to family financial planning including insurance planning, investment strategies, income tax planning, retirement preparation, estate planning and case studies to assist individuals and families with individualized family financial planning goals.

The consumer services management (CSM) specialization focuses on the application of resource management concepts for families of varying structures and conditions and implementation strategies for working with diverse adult audiences.

Check out course descriptions and program requirements for the consumer services management specialization and the family financial management specialization.

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