成人视频 Annual Bull Sale

32nd Annual 成人视频 Bull Sale

Sale Start Date and Time: Apr. 12, 2024, 1 p.m.

Sale Day Phone Number: 605-693-2253

There are high-quality bulls to fit a variety of customer needs. As usual, the bulls will be on display at approximately 10 a.m. prior to the sale and we will have lunch available starting at approximately 11:30 a.m.

Please feel free to stop by the Cow-Calf Unit and view the bulls at any time. 

If you have questions pertaining to the bulls, please feel free to contact a member of the Seedstock Merchandising Class, Kevin Vander Wal (605-693-2253), or Dr. Cody Wright (605-688-5448).

How the Limited Auction Sale Works

The bulls will be available for viewing at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 12. Buyers interested in a specific bull or multiple bulls must turn in their bidder cards by 1 p.m. At that point, the sale order will be set based upon the number of interested buyers for each bull. Only buyers with a bull listed on their bidder card will be able to participate in the auction for that bull. Buyers interested in purchasing a bull remotely, can contact Kevin Vander Wal at 605-693-2253. Any bulls not sold in the sale will be available to prospective buyers on a first come, first served basis. All of our normal discounts and guarantees are still in place. 成人视频 retains the right to in-herd semen use at our expense and the buyer鈥檚 convenience.

Please check back soon for YouTube videos.

Thank You

2024 Seedstock Merchandising Class Members

  • Mitchell Bass
  • Grace Britton
  • Hannah Flogstad
  • Derrick Goldammer
  • Cheyenne Hulstein
  • Phil Jorgensen
  • Mitchell Kaul
  • Grace Klumper
  • Ann Pugh
  • Noah Randall
  • Annie Reinke
  • Kallista Roers
  • Bridget Weese
  • Ethan Wright

A special thanks goes out to Kevin Vander Wal and his crew at the Cow-Calf Education and Research Facility. We are extremely appreciative of the tireless hours that these individuals have dedicated to our purebred cow herd. This sale, in addition to many other student activities, would not be possible without Kevin鈥檚 commitment to our program.

Bull Data

Angus Sale

308S D S Patriarch 308L206967302/8
310S D S Patriarch 310L206967362/9
325S D S Patriarch 325L206967482/12
329S D S Patriarch 329L206967492/14
332S D S Patriarch 332L206967512/15
341S D S Emerald 341L206967552/21
379S D S Growth Fund 379L206967693/1
390S D S Growth Fund 390L206967733/2
397S D S Stellar 397L206967773/3
3101S D S Stellar 3101L206967323/3
3102S D S Patriarch 3102L206967333/3
3105S D S Emerald 3105L206967343/3
3119S D S Stellar 3119L206967383/5
3125S D S Stellar 3125L206967413/7
3127S D S Growth Fund 3127L206967423/8
3134S D S Stellar 3134L206967433/16

Actual and Adjusted Measurements and Ratios

IDBWBW RatioAdj. WWAdj. WW RatioAdj. YWAdj. YW RatioFrame ScoreAdj. Scrotal

EPDs, Indexes, and % Rankings

Note: All those marked ^ are the top 10% of the breed. Those marked * are top 25% of breed.

308144 ^-110 ^7915 *13615 *0.7165305 ^153 ^2840805 ^15340
3101210 ^-24 ^7130126301.2725 *1570153 ^3510 ^814 ^11685
3255601.560912 ^1573 ^0.716517607652745823 ^15835
3291310 ^-1.75 ^693512725 *1.3425 *20451220 *392 ^805 ^16525 *
3328350.9457225 *13815 *1.5915 *23301220 *2745605015040
3411115 *-0.220 *7425 *12725 *1.3920 *341 ^103526557315 *13860
3798350.7408110 ^1534 ^1.06402810 ^1035383 ^7910 ^17520 *
3901210 ^-0.815 *6450122350.239019508553025 *644017120 *
3974701.8656450112501.4220 *2910 ^8552745624514255
31015601.5607915 *13815 *0.3585195094528407315 *14945
31026551.8657715 *1515 ^0.865521401410 ^2930644016725 *
31058350.4356645120400.766018551410 ^3215 *7315 *12970
3119-2952.9857425 *12825 *-0.169515703952185585514255
31254702.780855 ^14110 ^0.7460332 ^1125 *1295644013170
31276551.6608110 ^1543 ^0.368518551310 ^3120 *7610 ^19110 ^


Ultrasound Carcass Data, Carcass EPDs, and % Rankings

Note: All those marked ^ are the top 10% of the breed. Those marked * are top 25% of breed.

ID% IMF% IMF RatioRERE RatioRib FatRib Fat RatioCW EPD%Marb EPD%RE EPD%
3252.7410914.11120.261246815 *0.63551.0210 ^
3292.5510114.51150.18866420 *0.66501.143 ^
3322.7110812.0950.2311054400.55650.8720 *
3792.5910312.4980.27129832 ^0.42800.7635
3902.9911913.31060.16766225 *0.68500.7440
31012.038111.7930.261246420 *0.59600.5960
31023.2212813.71090.291386715 *0.76400.7930
31052.489814.01110.178142700.49700.9615 *
31273.4513713.11040.21100784 ^0.71450.9910 ^

Sim Angus Sale

IDNameASA NumberDOB% SimAdj. BWAdj. WWAdj. WW RatioAdj. YWAdj. YW Ratio
307LS D S PATRIARCH 307L42264222/71/46865696112999
312LS D S PATRIARCH 312L42264142/103/8707261061189105
316LS D S PATRIARCH 316L42264012/103/883663971178104
321LS D S PATRIARCH 321L42264122/123/8737111041172103
322LS D S PATRIARCH 322L42264082/123/8737021031220107
327LS D S PATRIARCH 327L42263902/123/8877501101201106
359LS D S STELLAR 359L42264422/273/8867571111292114
363LS D S STONE COLD 363L42263132/275/8877361081187104
365LS D S STONE COLD 365L42263842/285/88162692109096
374LS D S HERDBOOK 374L42263692/285/8856861001189105
378LS D S STONE COLD 378L42263343/15/8837191051219107
392LS D S HERDBOOK 392L42263363/25/8928011171186104
398LS D S HIGH ROAD 398L42263783/35/8917381081294114
3103LS D S HERDBOOK 3103L42263733/35/8847041031142100
3104LS D S STONE COLD 3104L42263703/35/88163593106794
3106LS D S HERDBOOK 3106L42263063/35/8876911011185104
3107LS D S STELLAR 3107L42263813/33/87366297101589
3109LS D S HERDBOOK 3109L42264433/35/81007171051195105
3118LS D S STONE COLD 3118L42263573/45/8777221061163102
3123LS D S STONE COLD 3123L42263723/65/8716851001134100
3133LS D S HERDBOOK 3133L42263033/165/8937761141236109
3140LS D S HERDBOOK 3140L42263913/295/8957681121203106

EPDs, Indexes, and % Rankings

Note: All those marked ^ are the top 10% of the breed. Those marked * are top 25% of breed.

307L18.45 ^-4.24 ^76.750126.83527.920 *17.510 ^12.81 ^156.915 *92.015 *
312L20.82 ^-5.02 ^82.530140.715 *26.23516.115 *11.73 ^166.110 ^97.55 ^
316L16.215 *-1.33085.220 *145.410 ^26.13515.915 *11.92 ^149.025 *93.215 *
321L17.810 ^-2.515 *83.125 *146.110 ^28.020 *15.715 *11.63 ^ 169.010 ^93.810 ^
322L19.33 ^-2.615 *93.010 ^152.54 ^26.13515.120 *12.02 ^164.510 ^101.32 ^
327L10.5800.970105.81 ^177.81 ^24.74516.710 ^4.490133.25598.94 ^
359L9.5900.56099.82 ^158.82 ^18.79016.910 ^4.090132.45591.320 *
363L12.950-0.54081.830134.320 *25.64016.710 ^8.920 *162.810 ^91.120 *
365L16.115 *-1.33069.975112.46027.125 *16.015 *9.220 *136.45077.565
374L14.430-1.425 *80.835118.25024.05019.03 ^8.230144.83585.635
378L14.530-1.33088.415 *150.85 ^32.44 ^19.52 ^9.4 15 *157.215 *93.115 *
392L11.470-0.34589.710 ^128.43027.025 *18.24 ^8.230147.23090.920 *
398L12.950-0.24595.04 ^153.83 ^27.025 *11.7608.230158.415 *98.64 ^
3103L10.775-1.920 *79.635117.35021.57516.215 *6.165146.23084.840
3104L16.910 ^-2.120 *74.855113.96029.315 *18.83 ^9.915 *145.73084.540
3106L10.975-1.820 *73.065106.07525.44014.0306.855140.84082.645
3107L16.215 *-4.24 ^68.480108.27022.07012.2559.915 *145.63081.950
3109L7.1993.599100.82 ^159.72 ^23.26018.24 ^5.870131.95594.010 ^
3118L17.710 ^-3.95 ^82.430131.725 *32.15 ^12.55011.83 ^160.115 *93.015 *
3123L20.62 ^-4.05 ^69.675114.56031.95 ^19.92 ^12.12 ^157.915 *84.340
3133L12.260-0.24586.520 *135.420 *24.25017.410 ^7.935139.04587.630
3140L9.6850.15082.530120.34525.34016.610 ^6.655122.97080.655

Ultrasound Carcass Data, Carcass EPDs, and % Rankings

Note: All those marked ^ are the top 10% of the breed. Those marked * are top 25% of breed.

ID% IMF% IMF RatioAdj. BFAdj. BF RatioAdj. REAAdj. REA RatioMarb%REA%
307L1.88840.2412612.3880.6315 *0.5475
312L3.121400.3015813.91000.6715 *0.4690
316L2.11950.136813.2950.5820 *0.7145
321L2.731220.2312111.5820.5920 *0.8920 *
322L2.311040.126314.51040.6515 *1.0110 ^
327L2.21990.115813.5970.45400.9810 ^
359L2.03910.2010516.41180.32601.0310 ^
363L2.391070.2714212.5900.6020 *0.7735
374L1.86830.168415.31100.33601.431 ^
392L1.90850.2412615.31100.41451.153 ^
398L2.311040.178915.41100.5625 *0.9115 *
3106L2.14960.1910013.6970.40450.8820 *
3109L2.441090.147413.2950.46351.361 ^
3123L2.551140.2613714.81060.38501.114 ^
3133L1.77790.178915.21090.34551.075 ^
3140L1.96880.084214.91070.18851.251 ^
Contact us
Department of Animal Science
Physical Address
1097 North Campus Dr.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
SAS 101, Box 2170
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
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